:/ #48

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Authors note: I just want to say thank you for being so patient with me. I have had some things were going on, so the chapter was very late. But it is here now. I also want to point out that Y/N doesn't do a lot of fighting in the next few chapters. She fights a little and has a few fight scenes, but she is mostly out of the way. I tried to keep it as close to the movie as possible but changed it quite a bit. So, I just wanted to point that out. 

­­­Looking up, you saw that there was a large wall of ice in front of you, and the 2 people that were right in front of you, we're now on the other side of the wall. Bakugou looked just as confused as you were.
"This looks like-" He cut himself off.

You, Kirishima and Bakugou all turned to where the ice came from. "Todoroki?" Kirishima exclaimed, confusion lacing his tone.

The ice wall started to bang. Todoroki must have noticed it as you did. Because you watched him place his hand back on the ground and create a large ice pillar for some of the people in your class to get away to safety, while saying "You guys go. We will handle these guys."

You watched as Momo, Iida, Midoriya, Jiro, Kaminari, Uraraka, that new American Melissa, and Mineta all were sent up on the pillar.

"Todoroki. What about you?" Momo called out worried for her bi-coloured-haired friend.

"We'll be fine. Go,"

You looked up and saw Jiro standing up there with the others. You waved to her, and she waved back.

You, Kirishima, and Bakugou all ran over to Todoroki, and Kirishima asked "Wait you guys are here too? What's going on Todoroki?"

"You mean you didn't here the broadcast?" Todoroki questioned.

You pinch your eyes in confusion. "There was a broadcast?"

"Never mind, some villains have taken over the tower."

"Wait," Bakugou started, concerned. "That's what this is about?"

Before Todoroki was able to reply, the 2 villains that attacked you managed to escape the ice wall, and slowly started walking towards the 4 of you. "What the hell is with this guy's quirk?" Bakugou asked, as you all got into fighting positions.

The smaller villain said something, then turned into a large purple monster, looking thing. Todoroki sent ice shards at it, to which the villain punched away.
While jumping back, you reach under your dress and pulled out your hoverboard. You quickly opened it, jumped on it, and flew out of the way so you wouldn't get hit by any of the flying ice shards.

Bakugou sent an explosion at the monster, which blasted him up a little, then caused him to fall. As he turned around, the villain was already charging at Bakugou, about to hit him. However, before the villain was able to hit him, Kirishima rushed over pushing Bakugou out of the way, taking the hit for Bakugou.
Due to the impact of the hit, Kirishima went flying towards a wall. "KIRISHIMA!" Bakugou yelled, worried about his friend.

Before Bakugou was able to get to his friend, however, Todoroki yelled "Dodge." Bakugou heard this and quickly sent an explosion below himself, blasting him in the air. While doing that, Todoroki sent more ice shards at the other villain. The one that dug their way out of the ice, with their weird quirk.

The villain then used their quirk to send ice shards back, up at you. You dodged most of them, however, one of them hit your hoverboard. You quickly started falling to the ground. Before you hit the ground, you jumped off the board and summersaulted to break your fall.

"Y/N!" Bakugou shouted towards you. But you weren't paying attention to him. All you saw was your now crashed hoverboard. Ice stuck in some of it, and one of the engines completely detached. You slowly walked over to it, angry.
You bend down and pick it up, standing up straight again. You slowly turn to the villain that threw the ice shards at you and slowly started walking towards them. Bakugou was worried at first, but when he saw the anger in your eyes, he slowly started backing up out of pure fear. "Icyhot back up," Todoroki was confused, but listened to Bakugou.

You drop your hoverboard, causing more damage to it, and grab your angel. You squeezed it to which it turned into a bow. The purple monster villain started charging at you, but you shot him with one arrow, without looking at him. Which caused him to fall asleep.

Bakugou walked towards you slightly. "Y/N don't kill anyone,"

"No promises," Bakugou rolled his eyes. "Go help Sharky,"

Bakugou sighed. "Fine," He pulled at Todoroki's sleeve, and motioned for him to follow. They both run over to Kirishima, as you continue to slowly walk towards the villain.

The villain looked at the purple monster villain, concerned. "W-what did you do to him?" He stuttered.

"He's sleeping. He'll wake up in about an hour. You on the other hand," Your voice trailed off. The villain gulped.
"You broke my hoverboard." You slowly inch towards him, as he starts too slowly back up. "I just got that yesterday," The villain looked down at the now broken hoverboard.

While he was distracted by your board, you used this opportunity to run at him. You do a back handspring, and as you were bringing your legs down, you wrapped them around his neck and squeezed. This motion slowly cut off his air circulation, making it difficult for him to breathe. He struggled for a little, hitting your legs trying to peal them off his own neck. However, your legs were locked on and weren't going anywhere.

Eventually, you got really annoyed with how long it was taking you to knock him out, so you hit him in the neck. You hit on a certain pressure point that knocks someone out cold.
Once your hand made contact with his skin, his struggling stopped, and he fell to the ground.

Once he was on the ground, you unhook your legs from his neck, change your bow back into its angel form, and put it into your pouch of almonds that you keep on your belt. Then walked over to the boys.

When you get there Kirishima was out of the wall and looked a little ashamed of himself. As if he should have thought of something.
Bakugou had his back to him, with his hands in his pockets. "Thank you," He said softly, as if he didn't really want anyone to hear him. Or he was embarrassed to be saying that.

"Woah where'd that come from? Don't worry about it," Kirishima replied.

"I'M NOT WORRIED!" Bakugou shouted back.

"Woah, Kacchan thanked someone? Is the world ending or something?" You joked.

"Oh shut up!" You chuckled.

The four of you started to run towards the rest of the class, as Kirishima said "Alright Todoroki, time to give us some answers,"
However, Todoroki didn't have a chance to answer because you were all stopped by a large group of robots.

Words: 1148

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