:/ #37

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Authors note: 2 things. First, thanks for 4.11K reads. I am so glad that you guys are liking this story. Second, if you guys like this story, I will be starting a new story soon. I am super excited for it. It is another Bakugou x Reader. The reader will be sheltered/quiet like this Y/N so if you like that kind of Y/N I recommend checking it out. Anyways, enjoy the chapter, and I'll see you in the next one. 

The train station was booming on Monday. It was finally the day your class got to go to their internships, and everyone was excited. However, before you were allowed to go to your trains, Aizawa had a few things to say. 

"I want you all to be on your best behaviour," He starts, firmly and tiredly. "You are the face of UA. If any of you give UA a bad name, I will have no choice but to expel you," His eyebrows knit together in an angry fashion as he spoke. 

'You said that on the first day, and Deku is still here,' You think rolling your eyes. 

The sound of a train pulling in, takes over most of the noise in the station. Everyone looks in the direction of the noise, then looks back at Mr. Aizawa. "Alright, you are free to go. Enjoy your internships," He says walking towards the exit of the station. "And stay on your BEST behaviour," Mr. Aizawa emphasized the 'best' to intimidated everyone. 

You sigh. "That man needs help," you say to Bakugou as you both walk away from the crowd of your class, and sit on a nearby bench. You put your bag and hero costume on the ground, as Bakugou does the same. Both of you kept your hero Costumes in the cases that you got them in.

 You then turn and lean against Bakugou's arm. "What the fuck are you doing?" he asks getting annoyed. 

"I'm fucking tired. Let me sleep," You say closing your eyes. 

"What happened when you got back last night," he asks calmly, losing the annoyance in his voice. You stayed at Bakugou's house the whole weekend because you didn't really wanna go back to your mother's house. When you got home Sunday night, she was not happy. 

You sigh. "I tried to tell her that we were just playing video games, but the fucking witch doesn't care," You say starting to vent. "She doesn't fucking care about anything. All she cares about is boring shit like, 'How my day was' or 'How are your grades'? BITCH!" You sit up. "I don't have to tell her shit. If she really wanted to know about my fucking life she should have stuck around. Then maybe I wouldn't be so fucking messed up. But no she had to leave, for her own fucking gain, not caring about anyone but herself. She is the most selfish bitch I have ever fucking met-" You were cut off when you felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around your waist and pull you against the chest they were attached to. You look up at Bakugou confused. 

"You're not messed up," he says trying to not look at you. "You're just angry," 

You sigh. Bakugou was leaning against a pillar that was next to the bench, and you had your back to his chest. You brought one leg to the other side of the bench so now you both had one leg on either side of the bench, and close your eyes attempting to get some sleep before your train gets here. 

However, before you are even able to do anything, you hear a train pull in very close to where you two were sitting. You open your eyes and see that it was your train. You start to sit up, despite Bakugou's arms wrapped around your waist, trying to pull you back down. "Oi, my train is here," You say in an attempt to get him to let you go. He rolls his eyes and lets you go. 

Swinging your leg over the bench, you grab both your overnight bag, and your hero costume, and stand up. Only to be pulled back down by the wrist, to be kissed on the side of your neck. A slight blush brushes your face. "Hold onto that for me," Bakugou whispers in your ear with a smirk. 

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