:/ #71

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A/N: HEY! I'M BACK! I will explain where I have been at the end. 
But for now, I hope you enjoy!


You were laying on your bed in your dorm, reading. You were finally getting around to the book you were supposed to read throughout the summer. But you completely "forgot" about the book, and haven't read it yet. 
So it was time for some speed reading. 

In your attempts to speed through the book, there was a commotion outside your door, along with someone saying "Knock knock," while also knocking profoundly on your door. 

Hearing that it too many people you groaned and yelled, "WHAT?!" 

"They just want to look around." You heard Jiro's voice from the other side of the door. 

You pinched your eyebrows in confusion. "Look around what?" 

"You're room." 

You shook your head annoyed, and looked back at your book. "No!" 

"Come on, we'll be quick." Sero's voice chimed in. 

"Don't care." You flipped a page in your book, continuing to read. 

"You know they're not gonna leave right?" Jiro chimed in again. 

You ignored the people on the other side of the door and carried on with your book. 

The other side of the door went quiet for a second. You assumed they left until the door flung open and the class came piling in. 

"What the fuck?!" You exclaimed. 

"I told you they weren't leaving. And I want to delay them from going into my room for as long as possible." Jiro explained as she leaned against the end of your bed. 

"You're room is right next door." Jiro shrugged. You groaned. "Fine. But, that thing is not allowed in here." You demanded pointing at Mineta. 

"WHAT?" The grape boy cried as he was thrown out of the room. 

"And," You stood up and moved next to Jiro, leaning against the end of your bed, opening your book again. "You have two minutes. Which started when you busted into my room." You gave Jiro a side glare, assuming she was the one to open your door. She chuckled and rolled her eyes at you. 

The class looked around at all of the things in your room. 

It was pretty simple. When you first walk in there is a black cube bookcase. There were some blue storage bins on the top two shelves, some books and binders on the middle two shelves, and two blue boxes on the bottom shelves.
Beside that was your dresser that the school had provided. On top was your favourite teddy bear that you won at the arcade, some hair stuff, and your Nintendo switch. You may not have your TV, but that doesn't mean you can't play your switch. Speaking of playing, beside your dresser was your desk with your PC set up. You had two monitors, a speaker on each side, and you had a wireless keyboard under your desk, on a box, so you could still use your desk. There were LED lights behind that that could change colour.
On the back wall was a large glass sliding door to your balcony. 
Beside the door was your bed. You had a headboard with three sections, plus a surface on top. You didn't have much up there. Two more of the teddy bears, an alarm clock radio combo, and some more books for some pleasure reading. There was also a large bag of almonds.  On your bed, you had a dark indigo comforter. You had two pillows at the head of your bed, and a body pillow along the wall of your bed. 
You had a pillow chair on the floor at the end your bed with a soft blanket under it. Then your closet was on the same wall as your door. In there, you had most of your shirts, some dresses, and all your shoes. Which surprisingly isn't a lot. At the top is a shelf with the rest of your teddy bears and an extra duffle bag. Because you never know. 
Finally, on the wall beside your door, the outer wall of your closet, you had a calendar that you were trying to use. As much as you tried, you were not too good at using it, and usually just set reminders on your phone. Then under your calendar is your school bag, filled only with the things you need, and a few things that you might need. Like a tiny minion figure. It's very important that you have it. (It's not actually important. It's just there) 

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