:/ #47

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You are sitting at a table with your hand on your forehead as if you feel a little ill. You don't have a very strong stomach. So when B/N ran over to the trash can to puke, let's just say, you had to turn away or you would be in the same boat.
Kirishima took him back to the hotel and Bakugou stayed with you. Kinda. He actually went to get you water, because you taste puke in the back of your throat

You all assumed that B/N just ate something that didn't sit right with his stomach. It was a very plausible possibility. You all had just eaten some things that none of you had ever tried before.

You sit at the table for a few minutes, making sure that no puke was going to come out of your system when you feel a warm hand on your back followed by a plastic bottle of water being placed in front of you. You look up and see Bakugou sit down next to you. "You good?" He asks. His tone seems very nonchalant as if he didn't care, but his eyes told a different story.

You nod. "Yea," You open the bottle of water and take a sip washing the puke down.

Bakugou makes a breathy 'tch' sound and pulls his hand away from your back, crossing his arms. You look at him confused making a 'What?' face at him. "You have such a weak stomach,"

"Maybe, but my punches aren't," You go to punch him, however you stop as he flinches, scaring him slightly.
You weren't actually going to hit him. It was just a quick scare to tease him, something you both often did.

He chuckles slightly, which makes you do the same. Then you both sit there for a little in silence, taking in the view of I-island. All the colours, and the different buildings. It looks so different from Japan. People were using their quirks in all sorts of ways. Some showing them off, others using them to make some machines work. It was absolutely beautiful.

You snap out of your thoughts as a yawn escapes your lips. You rub our face slightly. "I really should have asked you to get me coffee instead of water. I'm fucking tired,"

"Well, why didn't you sleep on the plane?" Bakugou asks annoyed.

"Because. I can't sleep in cars. What makes you think I can sleep in planes?"

"Because of time zones. We left at 4 pm on Friday in Japan and landed at noon on Saturday here. Did you not think about that?"

You stay silent for a moment. Then smile and turn to Bakugou. "This is what I have you for. To think of all the things I didn't,"

"Tch," He rolls his eyes.

"But I am really tired. A coffee sounds really good right now," You say as if asking him to get you coffee without asking him directly.

"Then go get one,"

"But I'm broke. If only my bestest friend in the whole world would get me some,"


You pout a little. "Please," You whine.


You clasp your hands together, almost begging him now. "PLEASE,"


"You're my number 1 hero," You say sweetly, blinking your eyes, giving him a babyface.

He sighs a deep breath through his nose. While rolling his eyes, he says "Fine,"

"HELL YEA!" You exclaim louder than you intended. You slam your hand over your mouth in shock and start to laugh slightly.

"You're so fucking loud. Fuck,"

You smirk, jokingly. "I thought you liked it when I was loud," Referencing the times the two of you have had sex.

Please Stop *Y/N × Bakugou (Fem Y/N)*Where stories live. Discover now