:/ #58

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Author's Note: Hey so I was really lazy, and wrote this pretty late at night, so I did not proofread this. So ignore any mistakes pls. Thanks.

After many hours of fighting and walking through, the sun was now setting, painting the sky with shades of red, orange, and yellow. The only thing heard in the group was heavy footsteps, and pants, showing everyone was tired. Small drops of sweat glistened on everyone's body.
Uraraka looked as if she was about to puke, and Aoyama was holding his stomach in pain. Everyone had overused their quirks.
The monsters in the forest were fairly hard to fight, however, you guys managed to take them all down while making your way to the camp.

And there it was. In the clearing, you all finally saw a few buildings and the start of a clearing.

When you stepped into the clearing, you had to put your hand just above your eyes, as the setting sun blinded you. Your nose scrunched slightly as you did.

You walked into the clearing, and you allowed your eyes to adjust to the bright light. You blinked a few times as you put your hand down. There were a lot of trees in the forest so it was fairly dark. But you managed.

When you could see again, you saw Mr. Aizawa, 3 girls and a male dressed in cat hero costumes, and the small child that you met earlier.

The 4 heroes introduced themselves as the pussycats. They said that they were very proud of everyone, especially you, Iida, Todoroki, Midoroiya, and Bakugou. They said that you all did the best.

However, you were not listening to their praise. You were staring at the ground daydreaming about something. Maybe even sleeping with your eyes open. Whatever you were thinking about was broken when you snapped out of your thoughts and looked up at what was going on. "What?" You muttered under your breath.

The heroes continued to talk and congratulate the class for making it through the forest. You completely ignored them and walked over to Jiro asking what was going on.

"They said you and the boys did the best in there." She explained, only half paying attention to what they were saying.

"Oh." You thought for a moment then bonked your head on her shoulder. "I'm tired. And hungry." You lift your head from her shoulder. "All I've eaten today is a piece of toast."

"Well you should have eaten more then."

You scoff. "Well, I didn't know that we would be fighting monsters all afternoon."

As you and Jiro bickered for a little, you saw Midoriya walk over to the boy, from the corner of your eye. You watched as he bent over a little and extended a hand out to the small boy. He introduced himself, to which the small boy proceeded to punch Midoriya in the nuts, and walk away, leaving the green-haired boy standing there in pain.
Iida ran over saying that it was inappropriate.

"PFFF-" You spit out, laughing. "What's that kid's name?" You asked Jiro, in between laughs.

Jiro, trying her best to hold back laughs because it was funny, replied "That's one of their nephew, Koda."

You and Jiro tried to compose yourself when Uraraka and Momo walked over to you. You also heard Bakugou yelling at Todoroki, but decided to ignore it.
"Y/N that was really mean," Uraraka explained, sadness in her tone and on her face.

You calmed yourself down and looked at the girls. "Wh-at?" You asked catching your breath.

"That was really mean. I know you and Deku aren't on good terms, but that was low. Even for you." Uraraka explained further.

Your laugh and smile started to fade away. "What are you talking about?"

"Yea, I gotta agree with them on this one Sparks." Denki agreed as he walked over to join the conversation. "That was really low." He paused for a moment. "Literally," He laughed a little at his own joke.

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