:/ #23

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Running as fast as you could through the crowd of students that were running through the gates of the first trial of the sports festival. There are about 2 rows of kids in front of you. You notice red and white half and half hair break free of the students. As a precaution, you grab your devil, squeeze it, and put it in your chest making it go through your arms, legs, and torso. 

And that was a good idea. 

As you reached the end of the gate ice covered the ground and everyone's feet. Using your devil's strength, you managed to kick your way out and continued running. Looking around, you saw Kirishima, Bakugou, Momo, and Tsu who got pasted Todoroki's ice attack. 

"YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO TRY HARDER ICYHOT!" You hear Bakugou yell as he blasts himself forward using his explosions. He was a little bit farther ahead of you. 

'Oh, you're not gonna get ahead of me Kacchan,' You think angrily, as you try to puck up the speed. Then an idea comes to your mind. 

You move all of the devil's strength into your legs and feet and prepare to jump. But before you did, you noticed giant green robots blocking everyone's way. The large ones you punched at the entrance exam. You froze. As the robots were moving forwards toward everyone, you see Todoroki freezing them off balance. 'I see what you're doing half'n'half," You think pinching your eyebrows in anger. 

You charge up and jump up over the robots before they fall over. "OH MY GOODNESS! Y/N L/N IS JUMPING OVER THE ROBOT! THAT WAS ONE BIG JUMP! THAT IS SOME POWER!" Present Mic yells over the PA system. 

You smirk. 'Hell yea. Please have Mirko be watching,' You think proud of yourself. 

As soon as you land, you continue running. There are a few smaller robots. The same ones you fought at the entrance exam. You kick them destroying them and run to the next obstacle which was a large pit with rock pillars and ropes connecting the pillars. 

You see Todoroki has frozen some of the ropes and is about halfway through this obstacle. You pick a rock pillar to land on and charge up your jump. "Y/N!" You hear Bakugou yell behind you, angrily. That is your queue to leave. You quickly jump forward and land on the pillar you were aiming for. Now Todoroki was only 3 pillars ahead of you. You charge up again, aim, and jump landing on a pillar close to the end of the pit, shooting past Todoroki. 


You feel run to the third and final obstacle. It was a flat field with covered-up holes. 'Minefield,' You convince yourself. You decide to take your devil out and put it in your belt with pouches filled it almonds. 

"Hey Mr. Aizawa?" You say walking into the teachers longe during lunch a few days before the sports festival. 

"Yes?" He replies looking up from the paper work he was looking at.

"You said that hero course students needed an aplication if they want to bring any support items." You explain. "Would this belt count?" You hold up a belt with pouches on the sides of them.

"Yes it would. Um..." He hums opening a drawer in his desk. Eventually, he pulls out a peice of paper and hands it to you. "Here. Fill this out," 

"Thanks," You grab the paper, and he hands you a random pen on his desk. You take the pen and start filling out the information. 

"What do you need the belt for?" He asks you. 

Not looking up from the paper, you reply "I need almonds for my angle and devil. I would put them in my pockets, but thats kinda gross." You chuckle.
"Fair point." You finish filling out the information then hand it to him. 

"Thanks. I will submit this for you." He says taking the form from you. "Did you need anything else?"

"Nope. Thanks Mr. Aizawa," You say bowing, then you walk out of the room.

'So they make the people at the front have the disadvantage. I see you UA. Sneeky basters,' You think as you causiously run through the minefield. As you hear explosions, you turn around and see Bakugou and Todoroki hot on your tail. 'Shit,' You think trying to pick up the pase. 

"GET BACK HERE Y/N!" You hear Bakugou yell as he blasts towards you, and making an explosion towards Todoroki. 'Gotta go fast,' You think going to grab your devil missing the pouch because you hear a loud esplosion. 

You turn to see if it was Bakugou was closer to you, but then you see pink smoke further back. Then, you see Midoriya flying on a peice of robot. As he gets directly above you you begin running again looking up at him, not paying attention to your footing. Because of that you accidently step on a land mine and an explosion under your feet causes you to fly back behind Bakugou and Todoroki. 

When you gain your consiousness, you stand up and begin running. Ringing in your ears. You try to get rid of the ringing by rubbing your ears with the palms of your hands, still running but this time you are being more causiouse of your footing. 

Midoriya, Todoroki, and Bakugou all passed the finish line before you. Once you pass the finish line you start panting because of all the running you just did. You notice Bakugou is a little angry. You want to go over to him, but you already know why he's angry. Because he didnt come first. You roll your eyes at the thought. 

He turns his head to look at you and smirks. 'Dont you fucking dare,' You think as you watch him walk over to you. 

"Don't,-" You start, but he cuts you off. 

"I thought you were going to beat me?" He says smugly stopping in front of you. 

"Oh fuck you," You raise you middle finger at him, revealing the bracelet he bought you a few weeks ago. 

"Why are you wearing that today?" He asks pointing to the breacelet. 

You look down at it. "I thought it would give me good luck. Clearly I was wrong." You exclaim, a smug look on your face. He pinches his eyebrows in anger. 

"Well I still beat you," He says, his face fades from angry to proud. "You couldn't even beat me in this. How are you planning on beating me one on one?" 
"This was just the first round. My promise still stands," You say poking him in the chest. He chuckles and grabs your hand. 

"You sure about that?" He asks, a suductive smirk on his lips. 
You dont know what it is about that smirk, but it always makes you blush. And this time was no exception. You immedietly feel your face heat up, so you cover it quickly. "Fuck you!" You exclaim pulling your hand away from his using it to cover the rest of your face. He chuckles. 

"Too easy," 
"You're gonna regret this," You growl walking away from him. You hear him chuckle again. 'Idiot,' you think. 

Words: 1213

Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm sorry if there are any grammar mistakes. I have grammerly on my computer, but it stoped working on this chapter half way through, so that is why. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter. 

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