:/ #3

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You were sitting in class. You weren't really paying attention as usual. But then you heard your teacher say something about high school, and you finally start paying attention.

"But your all gonna want to go to the hero path." Your teacher says as he throws your highschool request papers behind him. The other kids in your class started activating their quirks. The teacher mentions that Bakugou wants to go to UA, and everyone gasps. You can feel Bakugou's ego grow as you roll your eyes. The other students start saying that UA has a very low acceptance rate.

"That's why it the only school good enough for me." He says with a smirk. You roll your eyes again as he jumps up on top of his desk.

"I ace all the mock tests. I'm the only one from this trash school to get into UA. Someday I'll be even more famous than All Might. I'll be the richest school of all time."

"How can you be the only one from this trash school getting in, if I'm gonna get in dumbass."You snap at him without turning around.

"The fuck did you say, shitty woman." Bakugou almost yelled. Before you could snap back at him, the teacher mentioned something you never thought he would say.

"Oh yes, Midoryia, I see you also applied to UA as well." The class went silent for a moment, as everyone looked at him. Then EVERYONE started laughing at him.

One of the students said, "You can't go to UA without a quirk loser." To which Midoryia replied almost panicked, "No, they got rid of that rule. I could be the first one." Before he could say anything more Bakugou made an explosion on Midoryia's desk.

"You think you can become a hero. You're even worse than these pathetic rejects."

"Well, maybe I can try-" Midoryia started but was quickly cut off by Bakugou pushing him out of his desk, causing him to land on his butt on the floor.

"You think you're better than me or something?" Bakugou threatened while creating mini-explosions in his right hand.

While the boys were talking the teacher said his name and motioned over towards the boys asking if you would do something to stop Bakugou. You just shook your head and laughed with the rest of the class.

After class

You were packing up your bag and Bakugou and his 2 friends were waiting for you. They noticed that Midoryia was still sitting at his desk looking at his notebook. Bakugou walked over and took the notebook out of his hands.

"K-kacchan? What are you doing?" He asked startled. You weren't really paying attention. You were still gathering your things. As you were putting your bag on you heard Midoryia scream. You look over and see Bakugou standing near an open window with his eyes closed and his hand over his shoulder as if he threw something. 'Did he just throw Deku's notebook out the window?' You thought. They shared a few more words, and Bakugou started walking out of the classroom. You and his friends followed. Before he reached the door, he said one last thing.

"You know if you really want to be a hero so badly there might just be a way." You were very confused. "Just pray that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life. And take a swan dive off the roof of the building." He said with a chuckle. You were shocked. He always bullied Deku, but he never went this far. Suicide is a serious thing.

Deku looked like he was going to say something but before he could Bakugou made mini-explosions in his hand. "Something wrong?" He looked like he was going to kill someone. Deku backed off and Bakugou walked off, and his friends made some snarky comment. But you just stood there. You stared at Deku. Not in anger, but in disbelief and shock. You almost looked sorry.

He looked at you to see if you would say something else, but you just shook your head. As if saying don't do it.

"Y/N?" You heard Bakugou yell your name from in the hall. You gave Deku one more glance, before walking away. You caught up with the boys and started walking to the coffee shop you always went to after school.

You ordered your drink and went to sit down with Bakugou. He could tell something was off but he knew he had to wait sometime before asking or you would just get mad at him. So instead he just started doing his homework. The other 2 boys decided to play the arcade games that the shop had there. You drank your drink and did your homework as well.

When you guys finished you all started walking to Bakugou's house. You decided to take a shortcut, where you had to walk through a small ally way. While walking you were silent and it was pissing Bakugou off. So he finally asked you "Alright, what the hell is your problem?" He was expecting some form of yelling or you telling him to fuck off. But you didn't.

"Don't you think you went a little too far with Deku?" You said looking up at him.

"What do you mean?" One of the boys asked. "If anything, he didn't go far enough."

"Should have beat the damn broccoli boy." The second boy chuckled. You just ignored them. You could tell by Bakugou's silence that he agreed too. Neither of you liked Deku, but you didn't want him to die either. He noticed a can that was nearby and picked it up. The two boys in the back kept talking bad about Deku and how Bakugou should have done more. He stopped in his tracks and turned to the boys.

"If you don't want this can to be you," He said and blew up the can "then I suggest you shut the fuck up." The boys immediately stopped talking. All of a sudden, some green sludge monster thing appeared behind you and Bakugou.

"Hmm, a small boy with a powerful quirk will be perfect for me to escape the city in." The monster said with a chuckle. He ran right for Bakugou. You were about to grab your angel from your left shoulder, but Bakugou made an explosion to push you out of the way. You hit the wall, and the monster started trying to get into Bakugou's body. The boys called the pros for help. Soon enough, the pros were there. One tried to run and punch it, but his hand just went in through the sludge. Bakugou was making explosions to try and hurt the monster so it would let him go, but it didn't do anything but make fires everywhere. More pros showed up and one brought you away from the monster. The pros couldn't do anything. They would hurt Bakugou, or their quirks weren't right for this kind of villain.

After a while, the villain almost completely covered Bakugou except for his eyes. After all the struggling, he looked at you, tears threatening to come out. This only made tears start forming in your eyes. All of a sudden, you see someone run out towards the monster.


Words: 1212

*HEAVILY inspired by 'Friends with Benifits' by abqueen*

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I'm sorry for the cliffhanger, but if you've seen the show, you know what's going to happen. I'm also sorry if it's kinda bad. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter. 

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