:/ #69

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A/N: Hey guy. Omg, I am posting this a whole year after I posted the first chapter. I cannot believe how fast time flies. Thank you guys so much for all of your support and I genuinely hope you are enjoying this story. 
I just wanted to say Thank you for helping me find my passion and strive to achieve my dream. Hopefully, if everything goes to plan, I am going to be a full-time author and I want to thank you for helping me find my love for writing. I also what to thank you for sticking with the story, even if the writing at the beginning is complete trash. Once the story is over, I will go back and rewrite the chapters, before writing the second book. (Yes there will be a second book) 
Anyways, I hope you enjoy and I'll see you in the next chapter. 

It's been about three days since the movie, and you were asleep in Bakugou's bed. It was about noon. 

A new episode from the show you guys watch together came out, so you decided to watch it. Then when you finished the episode, you decided to start rewatching the show. However, Bakugou ended up falling asleep about 4 episodes into the second season. You fell asleep shortly after. 

Now it was noon, and the sound of Bakugou and his mother yelling woke you up. Groaning, you slowly started to sit up and rub your eyes. After you yawned and stretched, you grabbed your phone and were immediately blinded by the light. You started to look through your notifications when you noticed the date. 'Isn't today supposed to be important?' You looked at your reminders and saw that today your teachers were supposed to come over to everyone's house and talk to the class's parents about dorms. 
You groaned at the fact that you should go home instead of continuing laying in Bakugou's comfy bed. After yelling at yourself for about thirty seconds, you got out of bed, made Bakugou's bed so he wouldn't yell at you again, then headed downstairs. 

While walking down the stairs, you heard some familiar voices in the living room. Then, you heard her yell. 
"YOU KIDDIN' HELL YEA GET THIS KID INTO A DORM ROOM!" Mitsuki yelled in her usual loud voice, while also smacking the back of Katsuki's head. 

The smack caused the angry blond to become even angrier. "YOU HAG! HIT ME AGAIN AND I'LL KILL YOU!" 

"OH HUSH!" She called, smacking across the back of the head yet again. "IF YOU HADN'T BEEN SO DAMN WEAK YOU NEVER WOULD HAVE CAUGHT AND CAUSED ALL THAT TROUBLE!" 

"The fact that I'm not used to you guys yelling at this point is surprising." You mumbled as you walked towards the front door. While walking, you noticed All Might and Aizawa sitting on the couches across from the Bakugou's. "Hello." 

"Hello young Y/N?" All Might waved confused. 

You gave a weak wave back as you put your shoes on. "I'm going home. Before these weirdos get to my house." 

"Bye Y/N." Mitsuki and Masaru exclaimed in unison as you opened the door, and left the house closing it behind you. 

You made the short walk to your house but stopped before entering. You didn't know what it was, but something stopped you. Maybe you were still on the fence about your father, or maybe you didn't want to admit he could change. Maybe you didn't want him to. Maybe you were so used to him being the way he was, you were too afraid of that change. 

You decided to shake off the thoughts. 'He's changing for the better.' You told yourself as you placed your hand on the doorknob. You hesitated for a moment, but shook off the thoughts and opened the door. 

When you did, you headed to the kitchen to grab a drink. (Whatever you drink to wake up. Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, an energy drink, whatever you want) As you were leaning against the counter, sipping on your morning drink, your dad walked in. "Oh, that was you coming back." 

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