:/ #75

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"Wait, you said no?" Jiro's voice was full of confusion and concern. 
"Why? I thought you felt the same." You groan and shift your head to the side. 

You were currently laying on your bed, face buried in your pillow, while Jiro sat on the edge of your bed. 

"It's not that I don't like him back, I just-." You cut yourself off, unsure of where the words were to help you explain. 
You moved to sit up on your heels while wiping a few tears from your face. 
"I just can't." 

"Says who?" 

"Me!" You exclaimed. 
"All the things I did to them-. I'm just gonna do it again." More tears started to fall from your face.
"I can't do that to him." 

"Woah, slow down. Who's them?" Jiro moved her hand to your shoulder, for some reassurance, more confused than before. 

You turned away as images of your exs' hurt face's flashed through your mind, along with your laughs. The memories only caused more tears to fall from your e/c eyes. You rested the bottom of your palm between your eyebrows, while your elbow rested on your knee. When you closed your eyes, more tears fell from your eyes. 

After a little while, you eventually answer Jiro. 
"I was so fucked up in middle school and hurt so many people. But..." You leaned your head back to attempt to stop the tears from falling, but it didn't do anything. Eventually, you turned to look in Jiro's direction, but not directly at her yet. 
"After be and Kacchan started- hooking up, I had about three other partners." 

She pinched her eyebrows still confused. 

You finally looked her in the eyes and said, 
"We never stopped hooking up." 

Jiro's hand moved away from her back in both shock and even more confusion. 
"You cheated on three people?!" 

"Please don't say it like that." Your face contorted causing even more tears to stream down your face. You pulled your knees to your chest and tried to hide your face in your knees. 

As Jiro looked at you, the small amount of anger she had towards you slowly diminished. The hurt and fear in your eye made her think. 'Well, she clearly feels bad about it.' 

Jiro sighed a deep breath and looked forward, trying to think of something to say that could help you. 

After a few minutes of silence, excluding your soft muffled sobs, Jiro spoke up. 
"Was it just him, or were there other people?" 

You lifted your head slightly, confused by her question. 

"People that you hooked up with. Was it just Bakugou or were there other people?" She explained further, turning to look at you. 

You rested your chin on your knees again and looked away from her. 
"No. It was just him." 

"And are you hooking up with anyone else right now?" 

"No." You mumbled. 

"So... you're worried about hurting Bakugou because you used to cheat on your other partners with him, but now you think that you will cheat on with a-...ghost?" 

You looked at her annoyed and confused. 

"Well, who are you going to cheat on him with? It's not like you can cheat on Bakugou with Bakugou. Unless he has a secret twin that we don't know about." Jiro's face started to contort to one that made her look like she was questioning her whole life. 
"What if he really is a twin and he has been tricking us this whole time." 

"Ok, now you just sound crazy." You turned your head and looked at her. 

"I sound crazy? You're the one who thinks you can cheat on someone with that person." 

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