:/ #2

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Most of the car ride home was silent. They were almost at the Bakugou's when Mitsuki asked "Y/N, do you want me to drop up off at your dad's or do you want to come home with us?"

"I'll go to my dad's. I want to show him the official proof." You say while smirking a little. Bakugou smirked at you and chuckled a little.

They drop you off at your house, and you walk in. You see your dad sitting on the couch, your stepmom cooking in the kitchen and your stepsister in the dining room on her computer. Your dad looks over at you.

"I thought you'd be over at the Bakugou's again." He says as he turns back to the TV.

"I was, but then Mitsuki took me somewhere." You tell him as you walk over and sit on the couch.

"Did she get sick of you, and tell you to come back here?" He asked still looking at the TV.

You didn't answer. You just look at the paper in your hand. He notices the papers and asks "What's that?"

You still look away, kind of angry.

"Let me see," He says extending his hand for you to hand him the papers. You place them in his hands and he pulls his hand away quickly. He straightens out the papers and starts to read them.

"Mitsuki took me to the doctors to get tested with ADHD." You say looking him in the eyes.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Your dad yells standing up. Your stepmom looks over and your stepsister closes her computer and runs to her room.


"No, I won't have a disabled daughter." He says while looking at the papers.

"98% positive." You say calming yourself down.
"No. You're lying. You're not disabled." He says still reading the papers.

"Why do you not want me to be disabled. What is wrong with that?" You ask starting to get even angrier.

"Because you're not fooling anyone." He says as he rips the paper. You just stare at him in shock. He wiggles the papers in front of your face then throws them in the firepit. Tear start to form in your eyes.

"What is, wrong with you?" You say. He 'tch's and you run to your room. Before slamming your door you yell "I HATE YOU!"

You can hear him coming towards your door. You quickly hide your real phone and grab the old, broken phone Katsuki gave you a few years ago.

Your dad burst through the door. "You want to slam doors around here? Give me your phone. Right now." He says with his hand out. You roll your eyes and sigh while giving him the fake phone. He snatches it out of your hand and closes your door. You go over to your bed and grab your real phone to text Katsuki.


My dad has the fake phone

Ill let you know when

he falls asleep.

Boom boom boy


Did he not take you having

adhd well



He says im lying

Boom boom boy

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