[🦴] Protect Me - Georgia x Fem! Reader

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Requested by: Emilygomse

Tw: implied domestic violence.

You stood at the bedroom door hearing Spain's drunken snoring, brusies littered your arms and face.

Your husband was out, the empty bottle of wine sat on the edge of the bed, daring to fall any minute.

It would be hours before he stirred hopefully.

Your heart hurt from seeing the man you once loved become a monster.

England had betrayed you, he had to give custody of Florida back to Spain.

You had asked for his help the first time but he got tied up with having his colonies rebel against him.

It was how you had met Georgia the first time.

Now Spain was enraged that you had left before, it was the root of most of his anger this time.

This time, if he caught you, would be worse.

A tug on your skirt made you look down.

Florida, your son, was up, probably from the argument that happened just thirty minutes ago. His little cheeks wrecked with tears.

"Mama..." he whispered.

"Shh, let's not wake your father," you whispered. You picked up the two year old up and placed him on your hip.

This was the time to leave for good.

You snuck out the house and out to the barn. Quickly you saddled up one of Spain's horses and placed Florida on the horse first.

"I'm scared Mama," Florida whimpered.

You mounted side saddle behind him. "I know sweetie," you said. Kissing the top of your son's head, you nudged your horse into a gallop.

Riding north, you turned to the Northeast towards Georgia's lands.

Georgia and you had been having an affair for a few years now behind Spain's back. It was also the reason for your protective nature of Florida.

It was a constant fear that Spain would find out about your affair and the truth of Florida's parental mystery.

You continued to run north, till you saw a large lavish house on the horizon. It was just about dawn.

Florida buried his face into your chest, shaking from the fear.

"We're just about there love," you assured him.

Georgia ran out of the house seeing you galloping up to the house, behind him was Louisiana, the teen he had taken in a few months ago. "Sweetheart?" He asked.

He helped Florida down before helping you down. He hugged you tightly. "It's okay, you're safe."

Florida buried his face into Georgia's side, prompting the man to pick Florida up, returning both of your embraces.

"I'm here shh, shh," he comforted. He turned to Louie who was on the porch. "Louie, take Florida and their horse into the barn."

Louie walked forwards and took the toddler. "Come on Sha, let's go play." He took your horse by the reigns

Florida nodded and let Louie take him down to the barn.

Georgia turned back to you when the kids was out of earshot. "What happened?"

You sniffed back tears. "Spain...he's starting to question if Florida is his or not..."

Georgia kissed your forehead. "He won't hurt either one of you, I promise."

"I'm scared Georgia," you wept. "Is there anything you can do?"

Georgia cupped your cheeks with both of his hands. "I'll try everything I can, I promise. He shows up here, I'm gonna kill him."

You nodded, knowing he was right. You laid your head on his chest. "Protect me..."

"I always will sweetheart," Georgia promised keeping his arms on your waist.


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