[😈/🍋] Scars -New York x Reader (Any)

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I have been in a New York mood lately, also reader doesn't have a set gender.

If you want me to do more like this then let me know.

Requests still open.

TW: 9/11 Mentions and light smut

You and New York had been dating for at least eight months now. It was rather sweet seeing the angry state become a teddy bear when you was around.

You had just came over to the Statehouse hang out of sheer boredom. Knocking on the front door, DC opened it.

"Oh hey Y/n," DC said. His eyes was bloodshot and he had a mega cup of coffee in his hands.

"You okay?" You asked.

"Y...yeah why wouldn't I be?" He asked letting you in.

"Is Yorkie here?" You asked.

"Yeah he's in his room."

"Thanks," you said. Going up the stairs, you found New York's room with ease. Their names was on the door too.

Knocking, you waited a few minutes for him to answer. "It's me," you called.

You saw him standing shirtless while standing at his closet.

"Hey sweetheart, DC let me in..oh..." you said softly shutting the door.

His back was turned to you, heavily tattooed but one on his back got your attention. It was an outline of the Twin Towers, a massive scar in between them, it stretched to his lower back and curled up his shoulder.

The words "Never Forget" was in some sort of fancy script underneath the skyline.

New York straightened his back up feeling your hand against it. His heart fluttering in his chest at your touch.

"Is this..."

He nodded. "Yeah..." he sighed. "It wasn't a good time."

Your fingers traced the tattoo and the scar. "DC and PA got hit too, did they get a tattoo??""

Yorkie glanced back over his shoulder, the touch of your hands sent fire streaking down his back. "Yea, we got it as a memory thing."

"Did you go to the hosptial?"

"Yeah, they had to put a metal rod into my back to support it, third degree burns, endless therapy to learn how to fuckin walk again. It wasn't all that good."

"How bad did PA and DC have it?"

"Not as bad, DC had a broke leg and PA just had a few burns," New York explained. "I had the worst."

You laid your head against his back, his heart beat echoing but calm.  "I'm sorry..." you said softly.

"What for?" Yorkie turned to face you. He cupped your cheek. "You got nothing to be sorry about."

"No I made you remember something you don't like talking about it."

"I'm alright sweetheart." He leaned down to kiss your lips. His hands snaked down to your waist, pulling you closer to him.

"I still feel bad about it." You pulled away slightly.

"I'm not mad at you," he replied.

Your hand went to the few tattoos on his chest. He had an bald eagle on the right side of his chest flying with the American Flag, another on his ribs had a tribute to his kids on a vine that curled around an old shield.

You knew he had kids and he would do anything to protect them.

You looked up at your boyfriend. "I still feel terrible about asking."

New York sighed and kissed your forehead. "It's alright," he whispered. "I promise."

You laid your head against his chest, your eyes closed listening to his heart beating against your ear.

New York kissed the top of your head, the silence speaking more then words could. "I love you," he whispered after a while.

You was taken back by his words. Pulling back, you couldn't believe your ears. "W...what?"

He smiled softly. "I love you," he said clearly.

You smiled back. "I love you too."

He leaned down to kiss you again, this time it got heated. His hands went underneath your shirt lifting it up slightly.

You giggled. "Now?" You asked. "With all your family here?"

"Door will be locked, you know New Jersey doesn't knock."

You giggled again. "Kinda risky, I like it."

New York chuckled and walked over to the door, locking it so his brothers don't walk in.

With his back turned you slipped off your shirt, when he turned back to face you, you threw it at him.

"Tease," he growled. He pulled you into his grip, his hands on your waist.

The heated kiss that followed only sent fire streaking up your back.

Yorkie picked you up and laid you on his bed. Hovering over you, he kissed your neck, working his way down to your stomach.

His eyes darkened with lust as he went lower to the edge of your pants. He slipped them off of you and threw them to a random spot in the room. "Are you sure sweetheart? We can stop if you want too."

You nodded. "I'm sure, just be gentle."


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