[🦴/🦋] Who Did This - Louisiana x Reader (Any)

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Blood oozed out of the nasty cut to your lip, brusies came across your cheek and down to your neck. They merged with a vicious handprint that wrapped around your throat.

The water in the sink was already tinged pink from the blood and a wet rag only made it slightly worse. 

"Mais sha?" Louie's voice called from the living room. "Baby?"

You jumped hearing his voice, you let the sink water out and still tried to stop your lip from bleeding.

The meeting at the Statehouse must have been short. He's usually never home before four o'clock.

"Firefly?" His voice called up the stairs. His footsteps came up and down the hall.

You started crying softly. The tears only burned worse. You moved your hair to cover the left side of your face.

The door was on your left, hopefully he wouldn't notice them.

Louie came to the bathroom door. "Sha, what's the matter?" He asked walking in. His arm went across your chest, resting on your shoulder, kissing the side of your head as he did.

The other hand was on your lower back, slowly going around your waist.

You stayed quiet, your eyes glancing in the mirror for a split second.

Louie caught the handprint on your neck. "Look at me," he said cupping your face.

He pushed your hair back behind your ears, tilting your chin up so he could look at your wounds.

Anger fumed at the base of his spine. His eyes darkened. He was quiet, taking in every inch of your wounds.

He wiped some of the blood off your clotting lip. His anger and rage barely restrained.

Your heart skipped a beat, nervous and unsure of what he would do.

"Who did dis to you?" His voice low, almost threatening.

You glanced down, refusing to look him in the eye.

"Y/n," Louie said, his tone firm but gentle. He cupped your chin, making you look up at him. "Who did dis to you?" He asked a second time.

"M...my brother..." you said. "My mom called me this morning wanting to talk because they had found out the Statehouse exists....and they knew your real age..." you explained, a salt filled tear slipped down. "My little brother jumped me then minute I walked into the house. My parents didn't even try to pull him off me."

Louie took a deep breath, his body language changed.

"They said that I was dead to them," you said. "Because I lied to protect you."

Louie pulled you into his grip. He tightened his arm around your waist, his other hand cupped the back of your head, running his fingers through your hair.

You laid your head against his shoulder listening to his heartbeat. "I'm sorry," you cried. "Don't hurt them please..."

"No, don't be sorry fer 'em sha," he whispered. "I'm da one that's sorry. I wasn't dere to protect you."

You whimpered as he held you.

Louie pulled back and cupped your face with both hands. "But I promise you dat no one will hurt you again."

He was hurting emotionally, you could tell in his dark eyes. He wasn't there to protect you from your family.

He leaned down and kissed your cheek. "You are da best thing dat has happened to me in a long damn time."

You laid your head against his chest, listening to his steady heart beating.

Louie rubbed your back, letting you weep into his shoulder. "I'm here sha, I'm here. I'm not gunna go anywhere."

Your arms locked around his waist, tears falling as you wept into his shoulder.

He sighed, picking you up and sitting you on the marble vanity. "Look at me," he said, cupping your cheek. "I love you and nuttin' is gunna change that."

You covered his hand with yours. Both of your fingers intertwined. "I don't want you to be hurt by them."

"They won't hurt me sha," he comforted. "I'd pull in da sky if it meant you'd be safe."

He leaned in and kissed you, softly and delicate. One hand still cupping your cheek and the other on your waist.

You wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him closer to you.

"I love you Firefly," He said pulling away slightly.

"I love you too," you said. You laid your head against his shoulder, comforted by his warmth.

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