Chapter 15

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Zayn's POV: (still)

"Story of my life, I take her home, I drive all night to keep her warm and time, is frozen." Niall sings, quietly.

Briella's still sleeping. I really have to pee but I don't want her to wake up without me there. So as soon as she does Niall's gonna stay back with her and I'm gonna go meet the guys at the restaurant where were meeting Simon for lunch.

"Story of my life, I give her hope, I spend her love until she's broke inside. The story of my life." I quietly sing my harmony along with Niall.

"Ugh, I get what she means now. This might just be the most bored I've ever been in my entire life." Niall groans.

"Shh!" I shush him. He's being too loud. Briella groans, and rolls over onto her back, her arm dangling off the side of the bed. That's when Niall notices it. On her hand.

"Zayn-" He stares at her hand, going ghostly pale. I sit up and suddenly see what he's seeing.

Briella is covered in blood from her chest down.

"Oh shit-" I say, running out into the hallway. "We need a doctor in here!"

I help Niall pull back all of the sheets, and see that Bri's incision had reopened. Entirely. I can't believe what I'm looking at right now.

I stare at her now-open incision, with huge eyes. I glance over to Niall, he looks like he's about to pass out.

We both move over to the wall as the doctors rush in and start working on her. Neither of us can move as we literally look inside of her.

We can see everything.

Her stomach, her liver, kidneys, even the top part of her intestines.

It's gonna take a while to get over this, I can tell.

A nurse comes in and escorts us out of the room. I fight at first, wanting to stay with Briella, but then I realize that we're in the doctor's way, so I go along with Niall and the nurse.

She hands us a clipboard for Niall to fill out. Another consent form. Great, they have to operate again.

"Bri's gonna hate this." I say to mysef.

"Definetly." Niall agrees. "Could you help me with this?" He asks, referring to the paper work, "I had no idea what half the answers were last time."

"Yeah, of course." We try to fill in everything we can, as fast as we can. And a few minutes later, the doctors run out of the room with Bri's bed, to get her to the O.R.

I run to the nearest nurse with the consent forms. Now all we can do, is wait.


Niall's POV:

We went back to the waiting room.


We basically live here now.

Zayn calls the guys, who then call Simon, and I call Ryan, Greg, and my parents.

Ryan doesn't pick up, so I might have to go back to the house and get her. But I ask mum to tell Ryan what happened so she'll probably be here soon.

I hope.

The guys come back an hour later, and Ryan gets here a half hour after them. I guess she got the message.

Zayn's shirt was covered in blood, again, so a nurse gave him a scrub top to put on. I feel bad both times this has happened he's gotten covered in blood bad enough someone had to get him a new shirt.

He really cares about Briella though, I can tell. Since the first day we met her. When he likes someone there's a certain look that he gets. And the second he laid eyes on Bri, he got that look.

He didn't even want to come out to meet her at first. He were on our break from our tour, and he's been trying to get his family a new place. I think he found one, which is why he was extremely reluctant to come out. But Bri's my family, and I said that I would go out if it were him in my position, so I got him to come.

It was only gonna be one or two days. Now It's been a week. He's probably gonna stay until Bri's fully recovered. And knowing him, he's gonna talk to us about bringing her on tour with us. Which means Ryan is gonna end up coming too.

I already know that he's gonna ask. We all do. We've even discussed it with one another already. And we all agreed that she could come. She's not in school here, she has no friends, she'd be sitting around the house all day. I talked to Mum and dad and they agreed with me that Ry shouldn't join us until she's finished off the school year.

God she's gonna be pissed.

Anyways, the intern-doctor-person comes out with an update, and we all crowd around him. Liam has to put his arms out again to prevent us from getting any closer.

"How is she?" Zayn asks, desperately hoping for good news.

"She's stable, Dr. O'Sullivan is almost done repairing the incision, and she'll be out to talk to you all as soon as she's done." He replies. We all exhale, and Zayn collapses into a chair with relief. "Now, while we were in there, we did find a remaining shard of glass, which we believe to be the reason the incision wasn't healing right, and re-opened in the first place."

Shit. How did they not find that when they were in there the first time?

Harry must've been thinking the same thing because a second later he asks the exact question.

"It was about a centimeter long and wide, anyone would have missed it. But the point is we caught it, and we removed it." He answers.

"How much longer will they be operating for?" Louis asks.

"About 10-15 minutes, would be my guess. Maybe 20."

"Thank you, doctor." Liam thanks him, and we all return to our perspective areas of the waiting room.

Harry and Louis are playing chess again, Zayn's back drawing on the magazine, Ryan's sitting next to me with her head resting on my shoulder, and Liam's scrolling through twitter on his phone.

I look over to Zayn, and see he's got tears rolling down his face again.

"Zayn." He looks up at me. "She's okay."

"She shouldn't have had to go through that in the first place." He tells me.

"I know. But the world is cruel, and unforgiving. The important thing right now, is that she's okay." I reason with him.

"She's okay." He repeats.

"She's okay."

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