Chapter 6

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"I WINNN!!!" Ryan shouts as she enters my room and throws herself on the floor.

I come in second place, Zayn in third, Louis in fourth, Harry in fifth, Joe in sixth, Niall in seventh, and Liam loses, coming in eighth.

"Liam, I expect a good tasting dinner from you tonight." Ryan tells him, standing up and taking a bow.

"Yeah, uh, you can all just, um, ignore the uh, mess." I say as I rush to pick up all my clothes from their scattered places on the floor.

"Let me help." Joe says, and starts picking up what's around him.

"See this is why we went shopping," Ry tells me, picking up a ratty sweatshirt next to her and displaying it for everyone to see. "Your wardrobe is horrendous."

"Gee thanks." I roll my eyes at her, grabbing the sweatshirt from her. "You know there's not exactly time to go shopping when you're sleeping out on the porch or getting beat for dropping a sliver of cheese on the floor."

It probably wasn't the right time to drop that bomb, cause the whole room went silent. Liam's the one to break it this time though.

"Furniture's here. " He says. He and Niall run downstairs to let the delivery men in and to sign for the order.

We all go back to our silence.

"I should go help." Harry says after a minute.

"Me too," "Yeah, same." Ryan and Louis overlap each other.

Joe's the next to leave, and I start to follow, but Zayn grabs my hand before I can leave the room.

"Hey, did, um, did you actually-"

"Yeah," I cut him off, knowing what he was going to ask. "The foster system's a really crappy place."

"I'm sorry." He says, offering an apologetic smile.

"Thanks." I smile back, "We should go help." I break eye contact, and let go of his hand.

"Uh, yeah." He follows me out of my room, and back downstairs.


"I mean seriously Niall, you've got to be more careful!" Ry scolds her brother, as I hand him a bag of ice.

"What even happened?" I ask. When me and Zayn got downstairs, Niall was groaning, and blood was all over the floor. We helped him into the kitchen, and got him some ice to help with the pain.

"It was incredible, he opened the door for the movers, and they completely plowed over him with the bookshelf!" Louis says, laughing.

Liam elbows Louis in the side, even though he's also holding in a laugh. Ryan rolls her eyes at both of them, as she shoves them to the side to grab a mop. She starts cleaning the blood up off of the floor.

"Don't you have a meal to prepare?" Louis shoves Liam into the fridge.

"Hey, do you mind if I help you?" Joe asks Liam, "I feel bad for imposing on everyone."

"Please, the more the merrier!" Liam, motions for him to help.

"I'm gonna go start to put everything together." I say, and go up to my room. Zayn and Louis follow, and bump into me when they didn't realize I stopped in the doorway of my room.

"Woah-" Louis breathes.

The workers decided to leave all the furniture in pieces, out of boxes, spread across the floor. There's no way to tell what goes with what.

"Okay, uh, Zayn, grab that instruction manual." I tell him, stepping across the floor to the opposite side of the room. "We're gonna do it step by step, piece by piece, and there should be enough of everything, to fit perfectly for each one."

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