Chapter 10

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Harry's POV:

"Joe? Now? Are you kidding?" Liam asks Ryan.

"See for yourself." She tells him, tossing him the phone.

"Shit." Liam pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Liam you talk to him. I'm too mad at him." Ryan tells him.

"Hello?" Liam answers the phone. He puts it on speaker so we can all hear.

"Hey, uh, who is this?" Joe asks.

"It's Liam." Liam tells him. He tosses the phone on the coffee table and we all circle around it.

Zayn looks really mad. He's on the opposite side of the room, and paces back and forth. His whole knuckle is basically inside his mouth.

"Oh hey, Liam. Is Ryan there?" Joe asks politely. He hasn't even asked about Briella yet. Ryan shakes her head at Liam.

"No, she's not here right now. Can I take a message?" Liam says as calmly as possible. His face is so red he looks like he's gonna explode.

"Yeah, well, first are you guys at Niall's house still?" He asks. Oh my god. I want to strangle him.

"No- where are you?" Liam asks, his voice getting slightly agitated.

"I'm at the airport back in New York." Joe tells him. You've got to be kidding. "But I think I might've left my-"

"Why are you in New York?" Liam cuts him off. This may go badly.

"Because my mom freaked out at me leaving without telling her. Anyways, I think I may-"

"Why didn't you tell anyone you were leaving?" Liam cuts Joe off again, raising his voice a little this time.

"Liam! Calm down!" I whisper yell at him. He takes a deep breath and moves from his chair to the floor with the rest of us- except Zayn, whose still pacing. He's really mad.

"I did! I told Bri." He tells us.

"No! No, you didn't." Zayn bursts out. "And you know why? Cause-"

I run over and place my hand over Zayn's mouth before he could make this situation a lot worse.

"Cause she was with us the whole time, and you never came and told us, or even got out of bed for that matter." Liam makes up to go along with Zayn's outburst.

"Yeah, sorry about that." Joe apologizes, "What were you trying to tell me?"

You have got to be kidding me. He still doesn't know? We left him like 25 messages!

"Have you, uh, checked any of your messages by any chance?" Louis asks to confirm he doesn't know.

"Yeah I did- why did you guys leave like 25 voicemails?" He asks. Zayn looks like he's about to punch something. I squeeze his shoulder to try and get him to calm down.

"Did you actually listen to any of those voicemails?" Niall chimes in.

"Yeah, I did." Joe says.

"Did you listen to all of them?" Niall says, before Ryan gets the chance to yell at him. She would definitely make this situation a lot worse. So would Zayn. But he's been holding back. I'm proud of him.

"Yes, I did. Whatever since you all seem to be there, can one of you ask Ryan to look for-"

Liam hangs up the phone before Joe finished that sentence, or we all start screaming at him.

"He knew. That son of a bitch knew that his girlfriend could have died, and still had to have surgery and he doesn't even bother to text? Or call? Or do anything to check if she's okay?!" Zayn screams.

I put my hands on his shoulders to prevent him from going anywhere, or breaking anything. Briella should be dating Zayn instead of Joe honestly. Joe basically left her to die, and then decided to hop the next plane out of the country, while Zayn was doing everything he could to make sure that Autumn lived, and even cried by her bedside.

Zayn literally took off his shirt and stopped her bleeding. Louis had to buy him a sweatshirt from the gift shop once we got here so he wasn't walking around shirtless. He's now sporting a hoodie that says, 'Mullingar Medical Center' across the front.

"Zayn, calm down." I tell him.

"How can you be calm? He basically left Briella to die!" He screams at me.

"Because Joe is the only person who should be receiving this anger, and he's not here right now, so until you see him again, keep it inside. Okay?" I tell him.

"Okay." He agrees, and settles down a little.

I look over to Ryan to see her crying on Niall's shoulder. "How could he do that to her?" She asks. "He loves her more than anything, I've seen it. She means the world to him..."

"Not anymore I guess." Louis says sadly.

I guess we had been there for a few hours, cause the doctor's came back to update us.

"How is she?" Niall asks, stepping in front of everyone else, with Ryan at his side.

"She's okay." the female doctor says. Her tag reads 'Dr. O'Sullivan'. "She has a small allergic reaction to the anesthesia during surgery, but she's okay."

"Was it a bad reaction?" Louis asks her.

"No. It was the smallest I've ever seen actually. She only developed small hives on the back of her neck, so we reduced her dosage and gave her a sedative and were able to proceed as normal." The male doctor says. It's a different doctor this time. I wonder what happened to the other guy.

"Can we see her?" Liam asks.

"Yes." Dr. O'Sullivan replies. "Just not right now. We need to keep her in isolation for 3 hours to ensure that the incision doesn't get infected, but after you can head up to her room. I'll come back and get you when that time comes.

"Thank you!" I thank the doctors, as they turn to leave.

Zayn collapses in relief. I catch him before he hits the floor.

"Zayn!" I shake him with excitement, "She's okay!"

"She's okay?" He repeats.

I nod my head.

"She's okay."

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