Chapter 30

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"Come over here and make me!" I shout.

The boys and I left the hotel room for the afternoon to let Niall rest. We found a nearby carnival and decided to check it out. I found a giant swing ride and insisted on going on. The boys apparently are too scared to try it, and are trying to convince me to get out of line.

"Sloanne!" Louis shouts at me.

"Lou-" I try to shout back but Zayn covered my mouth with his hand.

"No one can know we're here- remember?" He says.

"Right, sorry." I move his hand off of my mouth. "But seriously why won't you try it?"

They all glance at one another- neither having a decent response.

"Great!" I laugh. "So who wants to go with who? They're rows of 3 so it'll have to be 3 and 2."

"I wanna be in the middle!" Harry shouts. "And I want Louis and Liam on my sides so if I vomit it'll hit one of them."

"Gee, thanks lad!" Louis pretends to be mad. Liam just laughs it off.

"Guess it's you and me then." Zayn says, smiling.

"Guess so." I smile back.

"Lads, hoods." Zayn says as the line starts moving again.

The guys all pull up the hoods on their sweatshirts, except Liam who didn't have one, so he wore a hat and sunglasses. I also wore a hat and sunglasses so we didn't look completely out of place. Everyone keeps eyeing us weird, but I don't really care- and the boys don't seem to either.

"How many?" The attendant asks, in a strong Italian accent, when we get to the front of the line.

"Five." I say, and hold up 5 fingers. He points to 2 rows of empty seats, and I sprint over to the chairs, practically jumping up and down with happiness.

Me and Zayn sit in 2 of the three empty seats, and Harry Liam and Louis sit in the row behind us. The attendant man comes around to make sure we're buckled properly, and the ride starts a minute later.

"Whoo!" I put my arms in the air and kick my legs excitedly.

"You're cheerful!" Zayn laughs.

"Weeee!" I laugh even harder. "I know, I know, I'm being childish- I just never got to do things like this after my parents... anyways its my first time in like- a decade, and the swings were always my favorite." I explain.

"Well in your defense- they are pretty awesome." Zayn puts his arms in the air with mine.

"Whooo!" We shout in unison.

The swings are on a giant tower- probably about 400-800 ft high. When we get to the top Zayn takes down his hood, and I take off my sunglasses.

"Wow." I breath. The view is incredible. You can see for miles, and the sun beginning it's descent on the horizon. Zayn takes out his phone and take a picture of it.

"That's amazing." He says. He flips the camera on his phone to back view. "Get in."

I lean into the frame, and Zayn takes a selfie of the two of us, with the sun (and the guys photobombing) in the background. He quickly shoved the phone back in his pocket after almost dropping it- twice.

"Was this worth the wait?" Zayn asks me, motioning to the swings.

"Definitely." I tell him. "Thanks for taking me here, this was really fun."

"Anytime." He smiles at me and holds out his left hand- the hand closest to me. I smile back, and place my hand in his.

He intertwines our fingers, and we sit there together for the rest of the ride. When we get almost to the bottom Zayn let's go if my hand, and flips his hood back up. I grab my sunglasses from my pockets and put them back on.

The attendant unclasps our buckle and we exit the ride. We wait at the exit for Harry Liam and Louis.

"What do you guys wanna do? I dragged you all on this so it's only fair that you each get to pick something." I say walking between Zayn and Louis.

"I wanna go on Superman!!!" Louis shouts, running ahead of all of us. We all catch up to him, and realize what he's talking about. There's a rollercoaster that til it's you on your stomach- so you're flying like Superman. It's not the actual Superman- those are only at Six Flags. Or universal I guess. But I don't think they have one.

Thankfully since it's getting darker, the park had emptied out a bit- and there's no line. The cars are 4 person this time. But we still split up 3 and 2 so no ones sitting alone. This time it's Harry and Liam in the 2nd row, and Me Louis and Zayn in the very front.

I start getting a bit nervous. I was never tall enough to go in the rollercoaster last time I went. The attendant pushes down our straps, and we get tilted back on our stomachs. I grip my hand tightly on the handlebars- and my palms turn white.

"You alright darlin'?" Zayn asks, noticing my clenched palms.

"I've never been on a rollercoaster before." I admit quietly.

"NEveR?!" Louis shouts- voice crack and all.

"I was always too small when I came!" I defend myself.

The rollercoaster suddenly starts moving slowly up the tracks.

"WHOOO!!" Louis screams.

"Louis! It's not even started yet!" Liam shouts from behind us.

"Oh god." I mumble, becoming a bit queasy.

"You're okay." Zayn reassured me.

I squeeze my eyes shut. A minute later I feel the rollercoaster stop. I open them to find we're at the very top. Almost about to go over.

"Oh my god." I say, suddenly becoming aware of all the food I ate for lunch. My stomach starts to convulse.


It starts making noises a second later. Loud noises.

"Briella?" Zayn says, obviously hearing the noises.

"You alright darling?" Louis says, looking at me. "Oh shit!" He shouts, realizing I'm about to vomit.

He and Zayn share a look, and the next thing I know... we're going over the edge.

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