Chapter 21

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I'm going home!!


It's been ages since I've seen walls that aren't blinding white and smell like disinfectant wipes.

Ry, Niall, Liam, Louis, and Harry all went back to the house to "clean"- which is code for preparing for the welcome home party. I'm dreading it. She knows I hate surprises.

But that leaves me with Zayn to help me out of the hospital, to the car, around the crowds of people who now know that they're here, and back to the house. One person. Not to mention that I'm still having trouble walking. And my asthma. And the ADHD.

But Zayn seems to be keen on getting me back to the house without a scratch so I'm just gonna trust he knows what he's doing.

"You ready?" Zayn appears in the doorway.

"Yup. Just one sec." I finish shoving the rest of my stuff into my duffel bag and shakily walk over to Zayn.

I'm so happy to be out of that hospital gown. Ryan helped me with my sponge bath last night, and we finally brushed my hair for the first time in weeks. It's pulled back into two Dutch braids, with two thin strands hanging on the sides of my face. I don't know how Ry does it so well- I can barely brush my hair without pulling out chunks of hair at a time. She also brought me a pair of black athletic joggers, that were my dads, and a grey tank to wear home. I have on my (not so) white Nike's.

When I reach Zayn at the door he take my bag in his right hand, and gives me his left arm to hold onto. We slowly make our way down the hallway side by side. But when we reach the elevators, we walk past them.

"Why aren't we taking the elevator?" I ask.

"The paparazzi's waiting for us down there. A nurse showed me a back way out, it should lead us right past them." He explains. "You up for all the walking? I'm sure I could find a wheelchair somewhere."

"I think I'll be okay. I need the practice anyways." I tell him.

"Alright. Let me know if you change your mind." He smiles down at me. I smile back, and we do that thing where we hold eye contact for a minute or two. Zaby's eyes are so pretty. I wonder why I never noticed that.

We make it to the private staircase, only used by hospital staff. Dang, I didn't think to practice stairs.

"You okay?" Zayn asks, when he sees me hesitating.

"I didn't practice stairs." I admit whispering.

"Well there's a solution to that."

"Zayn wha-" I laugh, as he picks me up bridal style. "Are you insane?!"

"What?" He asks, oblivious.

"These are steep steps! You're gonna trip and die!" I shout, I'd prefer not to kill a member of One Direction today.

"Relax, we'll be fine." Zayn says, slowly starting to walk down the steps.

We get down the first flight and turn into the 4th floor. This is gonna be a long walk. Zayn sets me back down, and we continue to walk through the halls to the staircase on the opposite side of the floor. I'm starting to get this pattern.

When we get to the staircase, he picks me up again, and this time I don't complain. But I keep getting myself worked up about falling. It's a long fall down.

Zayn must sense my uneasiness, cause he says "Close your eyes. It'll help, trust me."

I do as he says, I wrap my arms around his neck, and close my eyes, leaning my head into his chest. When we get to the third floor, we were supposed to keep going down to the second, and then cross to the other side again, but Zayn opens a door, and sets me down on the floor. He sits down next to me.

Midnight Memories (1D)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя