Chapter 9

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Zayn's POV: (Still lol)

"She's okay." The doctor repeats.

I'm so happy, I collapse into one of the chairs, and start crying. I don't know why. I've only known this girl for a day and a half. Maybe it's cause I saw her covered in blood from head to toe. Or maybe cause she's the best girl I've ever met.

She didn't freak out when she met us, like every other girl. I mean, she did a little, but it was understandable. She had just been deported, found out her best friends brother is Niall, and then woke up to all of us in her new house. I'd probably freak out too.

Harry sits down next to me and pats my shoulder. He's grinning ear to ear. He was pretty worried too.

"She's stable for the time being. We were able to stop most of the bleeding, but there is one piece of glass that is puncturing her spleen." I hear the female doctor say. Damn it.

"Can you fix it?" I ask.

"Yes, we can. But we have to wait until she's awake to get her consent since it's not life threatening at the moment." The male doctor says. Thank god.

"No, you don't." Niall interrupts, "She's seventeen, you need my consent." He tells us.

"Are you her legal guardian?" The male doctor asks. Shit. This could go badly.

"I'm her brother. My parents are out of state for 3 weeks." Niall says calmly. "I assume in 3 weeks she'll be dead, so I'm the consent that you need."

"We'll bring the paperwork and we'll operate first thing in the morning if that's what you want." The female doctor says.

"Can we see her?" Louis asks.

"Yes, follow me." We all get up and follow the male doctor up to Briella's room in the ICU.

"Only 3 inside at a time. The rest can wait out here. Visiting hours end at 21:00, but one person can stay with her overnight. If you all want to stay you can go to the waiting room. Visiting hours start at 7." The male doctor tells us. His name tag says Dr. Walsh. We thank him, and he leaves us with Autumn.

Niall and Ryan go in first, since they're technically family. Next, it's Harry, Louis, and Liam. I go last. Joe was supposed to go with me if he ever showed up- which he didn't. I honestly don't see what Autumn see's in him.

Niall, and Ryan started crying while they were in with Autumn, which started making me nervous to go in. Even Liam came out with tears in his eyes. Maybe I shouldn't do this?

No. I have to. I can do this.

I take a deep breath, and enter the room. It smells of disinfecting wipes and other sanitary things. I sit down in the chair next to her bed, and intertwine my fingers with hers.

"I'm so sorry." I whisper, feeling my eyes start to water again. "This never should have happened. I wish I noticed sooner that it was your room. I wish I'd been able to do more." My voice cracks as tears start to roll down my face. "I'm so so sorry."

I just sit there for a while holding her hand. I didn't want to leave her alone. I told her I'd stay until Joe came, or until they took her for surgery. Which ever came first. Ryan came in and stayed with me for a while. The guys all went down to the cafeteria to get something to eat. Louis offered to stay with her while I went to eat, but I'm not hungry. I'll eat later.

Bri didn't wake up all day. She rolled over a few times, but she never opened her eyes. We all agree that Niall should stay with her overnight. Ryan was going to, but she dozed off while she was in the room with me, and almost yanked the heart monitor out of the wall. We figured it's be best if she didn't stay overnight.

So at 21:00 Niall swaps places with me and Ryan, and the rest of us head down to the private waiting room we were in earlier. There's two other people there, in the corner, so we sit in the opposite corner, not wanting to bother them.

Harry and Ryan doze off first. Then Louis and Liam. I finally fell asleep somewhere around midnight. Joe never showed up. He never even called. Ryan said her parents called when they went to get lunch. All the flights back to Mullingar were booked apparently so they won't be able to come back for a few days.

We were going to go back up to Briella's room at 7 when visiting hours started again, but her surgery was scheduled for 7:15 so it would be kind of pointless to go back up just to come back to the waiting room 5 minutes later. But the doctor's did bring her by the waiting room before they took her to surgery so we got to see her.

"You're gonna be fine, you hear me? You're gonna be just fine." Ryan started crying when she saw Autumn. It sounded like she was saying it mostly to herself though.

Niall handed the doctor's the consent forms, and whispered something in her ear.

The guys all kissed her forehead.

"You're gonna be okay, I promise." I whisper in her ear. I kiss her cheek before I step back.

Ryan was leaning on her chest, and wasn't going to move anytime soon, so Niall and I pulled her back and sat her down into a chair so the doctor's could take her.

An hour passes by, and we're all very anxious. Harry and Louis resorted to playing the chess game that was on the coffee table. Ryan was staring at one spot on the floor, and only blinked about once every 5 minutes. Liam was reading a magazine with our faces plastered on the front of it.

I have to address the elephant in the room. It's gonna burst out of me. I have to. I don't want to. But it's just boiling up inside of me.

"Okay, I'm sorry, but where the hell is Joe?" I burst out. Hmmm... I probably could've said that better.

"He's probably sleeping. Or dead." Liam says after a minute.

"Has he even called?" Ryan sits up in her seat.

"Nope. Not even texted. He hasn't shown up here either." Harry tells her.

"Did he go back to New York maybe?" Louis suggests. That would make a lot of sense actually. His mum didn't even know he'd come to Ireland, maybe she made him go back to the US.

"I hope he did." I say, "He didn't wanna get out of bed when Autumn was bleeding out in her own bedroom. He doesn't deserve to be here."

"Definitely not." Niall agrees with me. "I feel so bad. I had to fill out all that paperwork, and I didn't even know the answer to half the questions."

"Like what?" Liam asks.

"Like, what's her birthday, that one I knew cause Ryan made it my phone password, don't ask why!-but it took me a second. But then like, what her blood type is, if she had any allergies, who her emergency contact was, I put me cause I figured she didn't have one." He told us. "It was just a bunch of things like that. I mean, she's my sister and she's only been here for what, 3 days? She was only conscious for half of that."

"Speak of the devil." Ryan mutters, staring at her vibrating phone.

"Who is it?" Harry asks.

"It's Joe."

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