Chapter 2

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"D-deported?" I stutter, the tears rolling down my face. Ms. Harrison hands me another tissue.

"I am so sorry Briella." Mrs. Lamberti stands up and moves to the chair next to me, giving me the best hug I've had in ages. "But for the record I'm very glad you hurt Tori Gardner because quite frankly if you hadn't I definetly would've." She whispered quietly in my ear. Definitely not the moment, but there probably wouldn't be another time.

"You're going to have to come with us back to the station." The officer across from me spoke up. "You'll spend the night there answering some questions and signing paperwork with your lawyer, and then in the morning you'll go to the airport and catch the next flight to Britain."

"We're terribly sorry about all of this." Mr Sienna said. "But I can assure you that you will be far better off back there than you ever would have been here. The court has provided you with extra medication to last about 3 months, and then you'll be set up with new doctors when you arrive in Great Britain."

I was to stunned to take any of it in. Just half an hour earlier I was being pelted with tampons and gym socks. And now I'm being deported back to a country a whole ocean away. Just my luck right?


The next few hours were all a blur. I barely remember leaving the school and going to the police station. I think I signed a bunch pf papers, and answered questions about my biological family. I don't have any, so that might be a problem. I woke up around 3 in the morning on a couch in someone's office. I didn't want to bother anyone, they all sounded busy, so I pulled out my phone and checked my most recent messages. My boyfriend Joe was the most worried about me, (and the only one) and was spamming my phone every other minute.

I felt bad for ignoring him the whole day, but I had a lot going on. Somehow he heard about me being deported and is trying to book a flight to Britain to come and be with me until I get settled in. I text back letting him know that I'm okay, and that I'll call him later, like when the sun is actually visible.

Then I work up the nerve to call my best friend, Ryan. She lives with her family in Ireland. We met freshman year when she was an exchange student at my school. Maybe she'll be able to help me. Ireland is pretty close to Great Britain.

"Hello?" Ryan answers, with her cute Irish accent.

"Hey, Ry" I say, with my strange half-American half-British accent. "I have a problem and I could really use a friend right now." The tears beginning to roll down my face.

"What happened?" Ry asks concerned.

I explain the whole situation to her, and she instantly comes up with a solution. I don't know how she does that, but I do what she tells me, and find my lawyer. (she was still here thank god) I give her the phone, and I don't know exactly what they're talking about, but I think Ryan put her brother or mom or someone on the phone with the lawyer, because they arranged for me to go and live with them, instead of having to live at the boarding house, like I was supposed to. I might just owe Ryan my life now, I'm so grateful to her and her family.

About an hour or two later I'm escorted to the Police car, and get driven to the airport, where the lawyer gave me all the information that I needed for when I got there. Ryan and her family will be picking me up from the airport in Great Britain, and then we will be signing papers allowing me to live with them before getting on another plane to Ireland.

And I'm super grateful to them for letting me stay with them, but I absolutely hate flying- with a passion, and I'm not super excited to be on the plane for those long stretches of time. But Joe made me a playlist to listen to in moments like this so that's what I'm gonna do. I quickly update Joe on the situation, and then quickly shove my phone into the back pocket of my jeans, probably not the best pants to wear on a plane, but I haven't had a chance to change my clothes.

I board the plane and find my seat, a window seat, and the seat next to me has gone un-booked. I put my backpack on the seat next to me and pull out my headphones.

I click play on the playlist, and try to distract myself with the music. "Story Of My Life" by One Direction comes on first- how fitting is that right now? Anyways I close my eyes and death-grip the armrests until we are safely flying horizontal to the ground.


"RYAN?" I call out in the eerily empty airport. But then again, it is 3 in the morning.

"BRI!" I hear behind me.

I turn around to find my best friend running towards me. I run towards her and we share probably the best hug I've ever had since my parents were still alive. Tears start running down my face, and Ryan hugs me tighter.

"Thank you so so so so much," I whisper in her ear, "you didn't have to do this."

"I know," She whispers back, "I wanted to. You did a lot for me when I was in the US. It's time for me to return the favor."

"Mhm" a voice behind us appears and we step away from each other.

I still lean on Ryan a little as I pull out my phone quickly to let Joe know that I've landed safely.

"This is my mom, Maura, my dad, Bobby," She began.

"Hi," I said staring at the floor, not wanting to make eye contact as I stuck my phone back in my pocket.

"and my brother." Ry finished.

"Hey," He says, and it takes me a second to recognize the voice before I look up and realize who I'm looking at.

'Holy crap' I think in my head, as I lock eyes with the cute boy in front of me.

'I'm living with Niall Horan.'


Author's Note:

Hey! What'd you guys think? This chapter was boring I know, but I promise it'll get better soon. There'll be more dialogue next chapter since Briella is with other people now, and I'm thinking of changing the perspective to another character for a chapter, or should I not? I don't know what to do lmaooo xD


I need ideas of what to do for future chapters so please let me know if you have any comments, concerns, or ideas.

Love ya! <3 :)

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