Chapter 33

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Niall's POV:

"I'm like- 99% sure that this is illegal!!" I say for what has to be like the 11th time.

We arrived in Venice last night, and me and Louis are taking Bri out of the hotel for the day so Zayn Harry and Liam can set up the surprise. The only problem with that is that somehow the fans found out where we were staying- and are currently swarming the streets in front of the hotel preventing us from leaving.

We were out on the balcony for a while when we first got here- played a few songs for them. And don't get me wrong- I love the fans! But sometimes it's a little obsessive. And as a result- we left the note through a back exit- and are currently jumping fences and cutting through peoples backyards to get to the other side of the city.

"Oh relax Niall!" Louis says. "'Niall's a bad boy' they said. Give it a rest." He jokes, sitting on top of the fence. "Niall the church boy more like." He laughs hysterically and jumps to the other side.

I roll my eyes and climb over the fence- Bri right behind me. "You alright?" I ask her. She isn't as chatty as she usually is.

"Yeah. I'm fine." She says unconvincingly.

"I don't believe you!" Louis says in an interrogator voice. "What's really going on?" He strokes his non-existent beard.

"Nothing." She says pushing past him and jumping over the next fence. Louis and I share a look and jump over the fence, running after her.

"Hey!" I grab her wrist, forcing her to stop and look at me. Her eyes are red, and there's tear stains on her cheeks. "You can tells us."

Bri looks around. "Not here." She jumps over the last fence before a street. She looks both ways before dashing across into an alleyway. Louis and I share another look before chasing after her.

"Bri, what's going on?" I ask sympathetically.

"We won't tell anyone- you know we won't." Louis says.

She wipes her eyes before saying, "It's my mums birthday."

"Shit." Louis whispers.

"Bri, I'm so sorry!" I say, pulling her in for a tight hug. "We wouldn't have taken you out if we'd known."

"It's fine." She says into my chest. "I talked to Ryan last night and she said I should go- try to take my mind off of it." She pulls out of the hug and leans against the wall.

"Well, I agree with Ryan- but it's up to you. If you need to we can go back to the hotel. Or I can call Liam to come pick us up." I suggest, but she shakes her head 'no'.

"I think I just wanna walk around for a while." She says.

"Okay. We can do that." I say.

"I'm so sorry, love." Louis says, and he pulls Bri in for another hug.

"Thanks." She whispers.


We've been walking around for about 2 hours now. I got a text from Harry about a half hour ago that said Simon was sending Briella's bodyguard to Venice tomorrow, and he'll arrive here during, or after our concert. We were gonna stay out another hour or so, but we spotted a large group of fans headed our way so we decided to turn back around and go back to the hotel.

I make an excuse to use the bathroom, and step into a nearby deli. I pull up my hood and go into the mens room. I pull out my phone, and dial Zayn's number.

(A/N: hey guys so I'm gonna be using a different format for phone conversations now, and I'm taking the idea from another 1D fanfic called 'The Girl Next Door'. If you wanna check it out it should be in my 1D reading list :])

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