Chapter 31

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Louis' POV:

I have no idea what to do. The rollercoaster is going, but Bri looks like she's gonna vomit any second now. We can't stop the ride- can we? No, we can't.

I look over to Zayn, and we both seem to be as equally concerned and confused as the other.

I put my hand on Sloanne's, and Zayn somehow figured out how to slip his hands behind her head to tie her hair back.

Briella grips my and Zayn's hands tightly, and as the first loop comes up, she vomits.

Damn it.

"You're okay!" I shout to her. "You're gonna be fine!"

Her stomach seems to settle, and she doesn't throw up again for the rest of the ride. We get out and she runs over to the nearest trash can, with Zayn hot on her heels.

"Is she okay? What happened?" Harry and Liam ask as they catch up to me.

"That was not good lads. Not good." I say shaking me head. "She vomited mid ride."

"Dang, that's bad." Liam winces.


We pull our hoods up and walk down the ramp to where Zayn was rubbing Sloanne's back- who was bent over vomiting in the trash can.

"It's okay. You're okay love." Zayn says to her.

"D'you think she got what Niall has?" Harry asks.

"Niall ate one too many marshmallows- he's not hit the floo Harry!" I say sarcastically.


Zayn's POV:

I continue to rub Briella's back as the lads bicker over who knows what.

A few minutes later she lifts her head up and takes a seat on the ground next to the trash bin. I take a seat next to her, and let her lay her head in my shoulder. I drape one arm around her shoulders.

"You alright love?" I ask her.

"Yeah." She groans. I think I ate too much at lunch.

"Are you alright to stay? Or do you wanna go back to the hotel?" Harry asks, crouching down to our level.

"No, I can stay." Bri says. "Maybe no more rollercoasters for me though." She laughs, and I chuckle along. Her humor has stayed in tact.

"You wanna get up? Or no?" I ask. "I could give you a piggy back ride if you want." I joke.

"Can you help me up?" She asks, slipping her sunglasses back on.

"Of course." I grab her hands, and pull her to her feet.

"What should we do now?" Liam asks.

"Games!!" Harry grabs my Bri's and drags her over to a game nearby. The one where you shoot water at a target and the person who does it first/longest or whatever gets a prize.

"You ever play this one?" He asks.

"I think once maybe." She asks. She and Harry sit at the stools and play three rounds while the rest of us watch. Harry wins the first time, and Bri wins the next two.

We walk around the park and play a few more games before deciding it was time to head back to the hotel. We all rush out as quickly as possible without being noticed. As soon as we're out of the park and down the street we pull our hoods off our heads and slip on sunglasses so we're not as noticeable. But people keep looking our way anyways.

"We should probably split up." Liam suggests.

"Yeah I agree." Harry says.

"Okay you two go that way," Louis says, motioning to me and Bri, "and we'll go this way."

"You good with that?" I ask Bri, and when she nods we turn down the street next to us as we continue to walk back to the hotel.

"Oh, can you send me those photos you took?" Bri asks me.

"Yeah of course." I say, pulling out my phone.

"Thanks." She says. She looks around awkwardly as if she's waiting for something.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah- I just get really nervous on backroads like this. I always feel like something's gonna turn the corner and I'm gonna get like kidnapped or something." She says, moving closer to me slightly.

"You're okay. I'd never let anything happen to you if I could help it." I tell her, grabbing her hand and intertwining our fingers.

"Thanks." She smiles at me. "So, uh, if Niall for some reason wasn't better by the time the concert came around- what would happen?"

I exhale deeply before answering. "Well- one of three things could happen. One: we cancel. Two: we go in without him. Or three: we find someone to sing his parts- which would be tricky finding someone who knows, or could learn all of Niall's parts in all of the songs we'd be performing." I explain.

"Wow." She says, shocked.

We don't say anything for a while. We just walk down the street, hand in hand. I glance down at her every once in a while. She looks beautiful, as always. She's wearing black denim shorts, and a crew neck Derek Jeter sweatshirt, with a white baseball cap reading 'Dear Evan Hansen' on the front in light blue, dark blue, and black. Her hair is in a ponytail pulled through the hole in the back. Her beautiful brown eyes are hidden behind her sunglasses.

I love how she isn't like all the other girls I've met. She isn't overly-obsessed with her looks, she thoroughly enjoys sports, she loves to sing, and she comes from a similar background as me. I want to kiss her so badly.

But that would be awkward. Right? Yeah. It definitely would be. I should tell her how I feel sometime soon. She deserves to know.

I just don't know how to tell her. I'm not good at stuff like this. It's more of Harry or Louis' thing. Maybe they can help me.

I look down at her again- and I recognize the look on her face.

Loneliness. Out of place. Different. All mixed into one.

I've had the same feeling all my life. I always felt different from the other kids at school. Then I fell in love with music- and it made me feel safe. And like I had somewhere to go.


I know what to do.

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