Chapter 38

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Of course. Joe is here. It's just my luck right?

I look back to Louis, and his face says anger, but his eyes show pure terror. The girls around me must've noticed because everyone started whispering. The girl next to me stares at me in shock.

"What'd you do?" She asks. Her boyfriend must've caught on as well, cause he leans over to me too.

"Is he okay?" He asks.

"He's fine." I reassure him. "And I didn't do anything." I say to the girl.

"Do you know him or something?" The girl gets defensive.

"Umm, do you?" I retaliate- trying to get the focus off of me. Her face turns red and she turns back to the stage. The music for 'No Control' starts up, and Louis skips over to one of the security guards. He kneels down and whispers something in his ear. The guard then says something into his radio. Okay- they're gonna fix it... right?

Not knowing what else to do, I take out my phone, turn down the brightness, and text Cole. I explain the Joe situation and our history as fast and briefly as I can, and when Cole looks over at me I motion to Joe so he knows who I'm talking about. He nods and takes out his radio- probably talking to Paul.

I look over to Louis, and I don't think he's done anything else yet. He looks back at me, and gives me a reassuring smile and two thumbs-up. I smile back.

"Stained coffee cup

Just a fingerprint of lipstick's not enough" Niall sings. Liam passes by Louis, and Louis grabs his shirt and whispers in Liam's ear. His expression drops, and he whispers something back.

"Sweet (ooh), where you lay (ooh)

Still a trace of innocence on the pillow case" Niall sings, pointing to someone in the audience- making them go wild.

Liam looks over to me and Joe. I smile apologetically as Joe now gives Liam the finger. My phone buzzes, and I see a text from Cole.

Switch seats with one of the people next to you.

He won't be able to reach you then.

I lean over and ask the boyfriend to swap seats with me. He looks hesitant, but does as I ask. "Thank you so much." I whisper in his ear. "I promise I'll explain it all later."

"No worries." He says, and moves to the other side of his girlfriend.

What are you guys gonna do? - I text Cole.

We're working out a plan to get him out, but nothings set in stone yet. We can't have him making a scene or causing unnecessary drama. - Cole responds.

I'll let u know when we have a plan and what we'll need you to do. - He send another text.

I send him a thumbs up emoji and shove my phone back in my pocket as Louis starts the chorus. I sing along with the guys and the rest of the crowd.

"Waking up
Beside you, I'm my loaded gun
I can't contain this anymore
I'm all yours, I've got no control
No control
And I don't care, it's obvious
I just can't get enough of you
The pedal's down, my eyes are closed
No control"

The crowd screams as the guys jam out to the music. I keep looking over to Zayn, and it doesn't look like he knows yet. He's on the opposite side of the stage, running around with Harry. Louis skips over to Niall and whispers in his ear. Niall's face drops as well, but he quickly plays it off and whispers back to Louis before ducking as Louis throws water on Liam. Oh boy. I laugh as all the girls in the stadium go crazy. Louis and Liam are sort of known for having water fights during their concerts

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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