[36] Wind

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*chapter may be triggering, read with caution!

The siblings arrived home and everyone served themselves some food. Y/N grabbed a small portion and ate quietly in the kitchen.

She stared at her friends as they sat by the Tv and watched the movie. She took in this moment. She still had a sweater on and was lightly sweating. The buzz in her head was still going but she kept fighting it back.

"Are you okay, darling?" Eddie asked, placing the dishes in the sink.

"Yea, I'm fine just tired. I think I'm going to take a nap" she sighed

"Want me to come with you?"

"It's alright" She smiled. She planted a small kiss on his lips and headed upstairs. She locked the door, she did a few things before slowly making her way downstairs. She stopped at the last step and watched as her loved ones play around. She smiled and then danced her fingers around, she threw small power balls and they went into all of their heads. Their eyes were red for a second before they all stared blankly.

She gave them a hallucination so she can run off. She walked straight out the door and into her car. She turned the heat on and drove off.


"What do you mean?" Steve asked

"I told you guys what happened in the lab. We never told Y/N. She was always busy" El explained

"Wait, this doesn't make any sense!" Steve complained

"Maybe Ricky told her" Robin suggested

"Maybe but-, do you think we might have been tricked?" Dustin asked

"Let's- let's check! Get in the car!" Steve exclaimed. Everyone did so, Steve moved the radio around. Static came through and he grabbed a bandana. They covered El's eyes and she focused.

She opened her eyes back in the void. She walked around in the darkness, seeing what people were doing. She saw her friends, sitting on a couch watching TV. She knew she was close so she walked more. But couldn't find Y/N.

"Did you find her?" Steve asked

"No, not yet" El sighed. She kept walking around, she kept going until she saw a parked car. She walked up to it and saw Y/N. She stared blankly forwards, and her eyes were white.

"She does not look normal." El said "I'm going to go into her head"

She closed her eyes again and opened them back up. She wasn't in the void anymore, she was in Y/N's mind.

The floor was covered in light blue water, in the distance, she saw Y/N. Her hands were chained to the ground. And she struggled to keep her hands up.

El slowly walked closer. "Y/N..?" Y/N quickly turned towards her, with a shock look plastered on her face. The chains quickly went down and Y/N lifted her hands up, just in time.

"You should- be here!" Y/N struggled to say

"I am here to help you!"

"You can't help me. No one can. This is my fight!"

"What fight?"

"This fight! With him! I can't let him control me again, I need to hold him back."


Y/N struggled and fell through the floor's surface before she could answer. Behind El, she heard splashing. She turned around as someone came up, they were on their knees catching their breath.

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