[31] Never alone

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Y/N heard knocking on her door. She flinched and quickly thought of something. "I'm gonna take a bath!" She called out. She heard a response and sighed. She turned on the water to a warm setting. Once it finished she sat down in it, fully clothed. She closed her eyes and concentrate.


My body lifted back to a surface, I caught my breath and coughed. Whatever the hell I was just in, was suffocating. I looked at my hands, they were chained to the surface of the ground with some type of liquid. I looked up, only to see Henry. His hands were chained as well. But he was calm.

"It's nice to see you again"

"Where am I!?" I coldly asked

"In your mind. Isn't that obvious?"

"But why? Why are you here?! And why am I chained up!?"

"It's simple really. We've become one"


"Well, since you wouldn't help me willingly. I took matters into my own hands. I got inside your mind. These chains are connected to both of us. We can control who is in charge... who's in control of the body."

"This doesn't make sense"

"How come?"

"This isn't how minds work-"

"It's how I made your work. I got into your head, now we're both trapped, as long as one's in charge the other will be stuck, shut out. Until the other takes control, or until we're in a meditated state like right now."

"But why?"

"I already said it. You weren't cooperating with me."

"Can you blame me?! You kill innocent people! And for what? To take over a small town?!"

"It's more complicated than that. Everyone in the world is weak, and useless. But not you, and not me."

"So what the hell do you want?"

"I want you to work with me"

"Over my dead body."

"Do you really want that? Think about it... I can take control of your body right now. And use your bare hands to kill everyone you love. Steve, Robin, Will, Max, Ricky... Eddie."

"Shut the f*ck up!" I got up and ran to Henry. He pulled his arms up and I fell through the surface below me. As fast as I fell, I quickly got back up. I caught my breath, and stared Henry down.

"Do you not understand? You need to work with me. It's the only way this will work"

"How can we work together if you're imprisoning me..."

"I'm not. You can willingly have control of your body. But just know- in the back of your mind. Somewhere. I'll be watching... listening. And if you say anything to anyone. In any certain way. I'll take control, and kill everyone you love"

The feeling of dread washed over me. Am I really stuck here?

"So then why do you look like you, and not Vecna?"

"I thought it was more of a peaceful approach. This is our mind after all. I can control how I look."

I sighed and slowly got up. "So... what do you want me to do?" I coldly asked

Henry smiled and got closer. "I knew you'd come through."

"I have no other choice... do I?"

"Unfortunately not. But here's the deal. You will live your life as normal... that's it. Whenever I need to do the things I need to do. I will take control. I have more power here than you, if we ever need to speak again, I'll ask you to go meditate."

"That's it? What will you be doing?"

"Watching, listening, planning. Don't try anything funny."

I nodded my head slowly. "Can I go back now?"

"You may."

With that, I heard swooshing. And my eyes opened. I was sitting in a bathtub filled with water, fully clothed. I slowly got up and sighed. I changed clothing and squeezed the water out of my clothes. I hung them up on a rack and headed downstairs.

"That was a long bath you took" Steve commented.

"I took a short nap afterward, sorry" I lied

"It's alright, are you okay? You were acting weird earlier" Robin asked

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just overheated I guess" I sat down on the couch next to Eddie. He looked at me and smiled.

The pit feeling in my stomach grew again. I stared back at him, only imagining the things Henry could do to him. I wanted to say something, to warn them of what could come. But I knew I couldn't.

Eddie planted a small kiss on my forehead which only made me a bit sadder. I cuddled up against him and laid my head on his chest. A movie was playing on the TV but I didn't pay attention. I stared at a wall.

I don't understand how I'm supposed to live normally. How I'm supposed to act like I'm not imprisoned in my own mind? I felt dirty. Like I can't do, or think anything without someone being aware.

I don't even know if he knows how I feel. I can't even make a plan to escape or to control him. He would know. He knows my every move. And I'm not even strong enough to control my own mind.

I felt weak and used. No matter what I'll do, no matter what I say. He'll always be in the back of my head. And I'll never truly be alone. Probably for the rest of my life...

"Are you okay?" Eddie asked, softly. I've been through my small mental rant for an hour or so, Eddie must have noticed how quiet I've been.

I looked into his eyes, and lightly smiled "I'm alright, just tired."

"Didn't you just take a nap an hour ago?" Eddie asked

"Yea but... we've been through a lot lately. Everything's just- catching up to me I guess" I laughed.

"Glad I'm not the only one. Want to call it a night? It's 9"

"Where's Ricky?" I asked

"I'm right here!" Ricky called out, he was in the kitchen, eating his dinner.

"When did you get here?"

"Half an hour ago, I said hi but you didn't answer"

"Oh, sorry. A lot has been on my mind" I fake smiled. I got up from the couch with Eddie "goodnight" I called out to Ricky. We went upstairs to my room. I quickly got into bed and lay with Eddie. Just cuddling him, and feeling his rings. The deep feeling in my stomach hasn't gotten away.

And I can feel someone watching me.

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