[34] Bittersweet

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Ricky called Family Video in order to inform Robin and Steve of the events that just went on. The pair quickly closed the store and made their way over to the L/N residence.

Steve and Eddie dragged Heather to her room and placed her on her bed. They then went back down to discuss the plan. They didn't want to take drastic measures and shove her into a hot place, so they let El into her head to see if she would find anything first.

Ricky grabbed a bandana from his room and gave it to El. They grabbed a radio and moved it around until static came on. She closed her eyes and concentrated.

El opened her eyes back up. She walked in the darkness and found Y/N. She was sitting by a tree.

"What do you see?" Ricky asked

"She- is in a forest. Sitting" El explained

"El... I need your help!" Y/N exclaimed "look I'm sorry I attacked you, but my powers. They're having too much control over me. I need you to find a book in the woods like this!"

"Why?" El asked

"It's just really important. If I don't get the book, I'll lose my powers. You know how it feels... to be powerless"


"Remember how good it felt when you got your powers back? Remember, in Nevada. With Papa. Remember how good it felt to lift up that water tank? If I lose my powers, I won't be able to help you guys take down Vecna."

"Okay... I will help you"

"Okay, take a good look at these woods, and find them"

El nodded her head and closed her eyes. She opened them back up and took off the blindfold. Still in her mind. Y/N smirked and shaped back into Henry. The real Y/N stepped out from a tree and sighed.

"Did you really have to lie to her?" She asked

"Yes, for the sake of both of us. I didn't really lie, there is a book. But that book has been long gone."

"Okay, let's just hope they didn't catch on"

"So..?" Ricky asked

"She said, that there is a book. And that book will help her with her powers. We need to find it." El explained

"Where?" Steve asked

"I only saw trees"

"Okay, so woods, should we check the place where Chrissy died?" Robin asked

"Sure" Steve sighed "Uh- Eddie, Will, Ricky, aannd Max you stay here. The rest of us will go"

The group that was going to search left while the people who stay behind, decided to watch TV to wait. After a few more minutes, Y/N woke up. She didn't say anything when she did, she just scotched over to Eddie and rested her head on his shoulder.

"It's cold" Will commented

"I'll go turn off the AC" Ricky said, he got up and turned it off.

Y/N felt a buzz in her head but ignored it. She stayed watching tv and placed a sweater on. She watched TV for a bit and had an idea. "I'm... gonna go upstairs to clean my room" she went up and closed the door.

She placed a mixtape in a boom box and blasted music. She closed the air vents in her room and the windows as well. She changed into a long sleeve shirt and a sweater over. Her head started to buzz again, but she listened to the music and started to clean her room.

The first song that played was Footloose by Kenny Loggins. Y/N hummed along to the song, she took out the items from under her bed and organized them. The buzz feeling was still there but she kept ignoring it. The room started to get hotter but Y/N kept focusing on the music.

Once she finished organizing everything the next song played. The song was ironic due to the situation, but it was always a song she liked. She quietly sang along as she organized the clothes in her closet.

Eddie my love, I love you so
How I've waited for you, you'll never know
Please, Eddie, don't make me wait too long

She took out everything from her closet and separated them into categories. She then looked at each dress and took out the hangers on the ones she didn't want. She placed them back and looked at her shirts.

Eddie, Eddie I love you so
Eddie, please write me one line
Tell me your love is still only mine
Please Eddie don't make me wait too long

She organized her shirts in rainbow order and then placed them back in. She turned towards the door and flinched. Eddie was leaning in the doorway, his arms were crossed and he had a smirk on his lips.

"Eddie!" Y/N exclaimed. She went to pause the music but Eddie stopped her.

"No, no" he smiled

Y/N face turned red and she slowly tried to leave her room in embarrassment. Eddie held her hand and pulled her back. She turned and almost slammed into his chest. She confusingly stared at him.

"Do you like this song?" He asked

"Uh- Yea... It's- It's good" Y/N laughed

"I think it's a bit too slow for me" Eddie joked. Y/N laughed and wrapped her arms around the back of his neck. "Do- you know how to slow dance?"

"Mhm" Y/N hummed.

"Okay then, shall we dance?"

Y/N smiled and slowly nodded her head. They slowly swayed to the song.

You left me last September to return to me before long
But all I do is cry myself to sleep, Eddie since you've been gone
Eddie my love I'm sick in bed
The very next day might be my last
Please Eddie don't make me wait too long

She laid her head on his chest and they kept dancing. The buzz in her head was still there, and she started to overheat and get lightheaded. The feeling of butterflies and the anxiety of Henry mixed in her stomach.

She knew she didn't have much time until she'll rather pass out, or Henry forces his way into her mind. She looked back at Eddie and smiled. Eddie smiled too. The song was coming to an end and the dancing was too.

Oh Eddie Eddie I love you so
Eddie my love
Oh Eddie Eddie I love you so

She leaned in closer to him and he did as well. It was really sweet, the kiss. Maybe bittersweet. Y/N cupped his face and he wrapped his arms around her lower back, pulling her in closer. The music finally ended and they slowly pulled away from each other.

Eddie my love, I love you so.

Y/N held in her breath and stared at him in the eyes. "Eddie..." she whispered.


"I... I" she paused and took a deep breath. "I love you. I'm sorry I didn't say it earlier" Eddie smiled and cupped her face. "I love you too" Y/N sadly smiled and hugged him tightly.

*Sweet ending in this chapter cause I love y'all 🤭

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