[9] Take Care

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^this picture will make sense later!

I came to after who knows how long. I woke up not knowing if the events that took place were another nightmare or not. I slowly got out of bed and was attracted to the kitchen with the sound of grease popping.

I peeked around the corner to find my mother, making dinner. "Hey Y/N." she greeted "you've been out for a very long time"

"Yes," my father said, sitting on the couch reading a newspaper. "Almost made me forget I had a daughter!" He laughed.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, "and where's Ricky?"

"Ricky?" My mom asked. "Well, he's a daycare!"

"Daycare? No. He was just here" I said backing up.

"Now don't be saying non-sense Y/N. Go eat, you have your talent show in an hour." my father said still laughing. I backed up too far and ran into a table. It wobbles and a glass vase of flowers fell over and shattered on the floor.

Everything went quiet. I slowly looked up at my mom who looked terrified and had her hand covering her mouth, my dad stopped laughing and stared at me. The tension was thick and I was starting to feel nauseous, like the room was spinning.

"Did you just break? A very expensive vase?" He asked.

"I'm sorry," I said scared. I suddenly felt like a kid again. "I'll go clean it up!" I started to pick up the shattered pieces but quickly cut my finger. I looked back up to my dad standing there.

"It's alright" he smiled. "Go clean yourself up. I'll go clean this"

I slowly got up and walked towards the bathroom to clean the cut. Before I could my dad grabbed the back of my shirt and flung me to a wall. "YOU THINK YOU CAN WALK AWAY FROM ME?" He yelled.

I stared at him from the floor as my mom yelled at him to stop. He came charging at me and everything went black.

I woke up again in a sweat. I looked around any room was empty. I wasn't sure if it was another nightmare so I pinched myself and made sure I'm this was reality.

I got out of my room and heard talking downstairs. I hesitantly went down and saw Dustin, Ricky, Eddie, and Max sitting at the kitchen table. They all shushed and looked at me when they noticed I was down.

"Hi..." I said awkwardly. Ricky got up from his chair and run to hug me. I flinched but then hugged him back.

"Heya!" Said Steve wearing a pink apron. I laughed the second my eyes laid on the text that said time to bake b*tch. "What?" He whined, "a guy has to protect his outfit from cooking."

"Where's Heather?" I asked.

"Uh- her boyfriend took her or something," Eddie said. I nodded my head in acknowledgment and motioned him to follow me. He got up and we went to the home office so no one could hear. "How much did Ricky see" I sighed

"Not much, just the end of it. I brought you to your room since you were knocked out and from there, your sister kept yelling at everyone, and then her boyfriend apologized and they left."

"That's it?" I asked, "she didn't- hurt Ricky did she?"

"No, she didn't. She did sock her boyfriend in the face by accident, trying to punch me."

"Oh my god. Did she hit you!" I asked

"No" he laughed.

"Thank you, for helping me. And I'm sorry you had to see that. Usually, when she goes crazy Steve would be the first one here to de-escalate the situation before Ricky gets home. But I guess I didn't call him fast enough" I sighed

"The meeting had ended early since the school decided to hold all meetings until further notice. I asked him if he need a ride and he agreed. Brought a few of his friends along but I guess that was a bad idea" he laughed.

"Yea..." I smiled. Steve ran into the room. "You guys gotta see this." He said. We all went to the living room and looked at the TV. It was on the news.

"We're here on the wooded road just passed the scene where 17 year old, Chrissy Cunningham was found. Reports say, Fred Benson, another student at Hawkins High School, has been reported missing. Officials say that one of his friends reported him missing a few hours ago, after they went to interview people by the scene. Police are now doing everything they can to find him before another tragedy can occur. Is this a work of a potential serial killer, or is Hawkins really cursed? Stay tuned to find out more."

"Steve..." I said.


"Remind me to never let you turn on any TV's ever again," I said turning towards him.

"What! Why?" He said. "Because every time you do, sh*t happens" I crossed my arms. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it back up when he realized I was right.

The phone rang and I picked it up. "Hello?"

"Y/N. It's Jason"

"Hey, Jason, what's up?"

"Do you want to help us find that b*stard, Eddie, and stop him from killing people?"

"I'm sorry what!" I exclaimed

"Eddie and his evil devil activities killed Chrissy. You saw her! No animal or person would do it! It's the work of the devil! And I'm gonna find him, and kill him. For the sake of Chrissy, and Hawkins"

"Jason your sound crazy! Are you even hearing yourself? There is no such thing as demons, and Eddie couldn't have done that!"

"Fine, I'll just do it with the boys. Make sure to stay safe and away from Eddie. If you see him, give me a call." Just like that Jason hung up the phone.

"Eddie... I think you should stay at my place for the night..."

"Why?" Steve asked

"Jason wants to kill you..."

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