[25] Set in motion

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* Important A/N!!!:

I really need to know right now if you guys would rather have me change the ending so I can continue the story with my own plots and ideas, or go with the storyline but go on  hiatus until the new season (which is estimated to come out in 2 years). If I do go with my own plot then I will use fan theories and my own ideas to continue the story. Please comment to let me know. Tysm for 10k reads! <3


Once all the fun was over we all sat in the Motorhome to discuss a plan.

"Okay, we have spears, Molotov cocktails, Nail shields, Shotgun, and... Y/N. Those are all our weapons" Nancy said

"So what do we do?" Erica asked

"We split up into threes," Steve responded

"One group will go with Max to distract Vecna, One will go kill Vecna, and the other will distract the Demo-bats" Nancy explained

"I think Y/N and I should be split up" Max added, "it would kinda be suspicious if we were together, and more dangerous."

"Yea I think so too" I sighed

"Okay, well then Y/N your gonna be in the distraction team, we could use you to kill Vecna but if he senses you there then it can blow our cover," Nancy said

"I'll stay with Max" Lucas announced

"Me too" Ricky added

"Same here," Erica said

"Okay!" Nancy exclaimed "Steve and Robin can come with me to kill Vecna"

"Which leaves Eddie and Dustin with me" I smiled

"And that won't be a problem?" Ricky asked

"No, I almost died twice. I'm not risking a third time" I said, crossing my arms.

"Alright then, we have our plan. Let's go" Steve said. We all nodded our heads and sat down.

I sat all the way in the back with Eddie and Ricky. I laid on Eddie as he sat and wrapped his arms around me. Ricky laid his head on my lap and I played with his hair. I really took in this moment.

This could be the last time I can feel Ricky's hair, probably the last time I can see him. The last time I play with the rings in Eddie's fingers, the Last time I joke around with my friends, the last time I do anything.

Dustin sat down on the floor by the seat. Eddie and him were talking. Even though we were well prepared, I still felt a sense of dread. I couldn't help but feel major anxiety.

I lifted my hand and stared at it. I created a small power ball and played around with it, watching the light dance around my fingers. I kept my other hand on Ricky's hair. He use to hate it when I did it but he got used to it.

We made it to the Creel's house. The motorhome stopped and the kids looked at us before they got off. I got up and ran to Ricky. I gave him a long and tight hug. "If anything goes wrong- I just want you to know that I love you so much. And couldn't ask for a better brother"

We pulled away and he smiled at me. "Love you too" I got back on the motorhome and waved the kids goodbye. I sat back down and stared at the house as we pulled out. Eddie took my hand and squeezed it for reassurance. I smiled at him but the gesture didn't help. I was still, extremely anxious.

The sun had fully settled and we made it to Rodrigo's Trailer. Nancy walked to the front of the Motorhome and faces us. "Okay. I wanna run through it one more time." She said "Phase one..."

"We meet Erica at the playground. She'll signal Max and Lucas when we're ready." Robin explained

"Phase two..."

"Max baits Vecna. He'll go after her, which'll put him in his trance." Steve said

"Phase Three!"

"Eddie, Y/N, and I will draw out the bats" Dustin sighed


"You guys head into Vecnas newly bat-free lair, and... burn that mother f*cker to the ground" I finished

"Nobody moves on to the next phase until we've all copied! Nobody deviates from the plan, no matter what. Got it?" Nancy asked

"Got it," we all said. We got up and made our way inside the trailer. Steve climbed the rope and perfectly landed on the ground. He looked back at us and shrugged his shoulder.

"What does he want us to do, applaud?" Robin sarcastically muttered.

Steve grabbed a bed from the upside down and brought it to the opening. Nancy went in first, and then her weapon. Eddie then went down and his weapon. Then was Robin, her weapons, Dustin, and his weapons.

I looked at the trailer one last time before flying through and landing perfectly on the bed. We all went out of the trailer and Steve turned toward us.

"Guys listen. If things here start to go south, I mean, at all. You abort. Okay? Draw the attention of the bats. Keep 'em busy for a minute or two. We'll take care of Vecna. Don't try to be cute or be a hero or something. Okay? You guys are just-"

"Decoys," Dustin said, finishing his sentence. "Don't worry. You can be the hero, Steve."

"Of course, I mean. It's not like one of us has supernatural abilities" I smile sarcastically "but go ahead, let the normie be the Hero. Not like I can do it" I joked

"I mean, look at us... at least me and Dustin. We are not heroes" Eddie sighed

Steve nodded his head and turned away. "Hey, Steve," Eddie said, "Make him pay." The three walked away and I sighed.

"It's now or never. Let's do this". We all got items we needed to protect the Tailer. I placed a fence line by the trailers as Eddie nail them down. Once we finished we all stepped back and looked at the work we did.

"Not bad" Eddie smiled "now for the fun part!"

We walked into Eddie's Trailer and into his room. He gasped at the sight. "It's like... she was destined for an alternate dimension" Eddie smiled, grabbing his guitar. "What do you say? Are you ready for the most metal concert in the history of the world?"

"That a rhetorical question?" Dustin asked

"Let's f*cking do it!" I smiled.

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