[28] Explaining

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I woke up again in my room. The second I opened my eyes I notice multiple people in my room. I quickly got up but a force pulled me back down. I looked at my hand to see that I was handcuffed down.

"What the f*ck!" I exclaimed. I tried to use my powers to unlock it but nothing was happening. I tried again and again but nothing was working.

"That Won't work Ms. L/N," an agent said, "the sedative wore you and your powers out, they won't be back for an hour or two."

I sighed and sat up. "Are you calm down?" Steve asked.

"Yes..." I rolled my eyes. "Now tell me what the f*ck happened.

"It's a lot to explain." Ricky sighed

"I got all day" I responded

"Okay let's start with what happened with us" Nancy started "We successfully made it the creeks home, but once we got in we made it halfway up when we started to get choked by vines. They released us after a few minutes and we heard 5 chimes. We quickly got up and threw the Molotov at Venca. Pushed him out a window, went to check on him, but he was gone."


"But when we walked back to go through the gate, we found you passed out on the ground. Dustin was with Eddie, who was alive. We all got back through where we called them." Steve said, pointing at the agents "we know no one else would believe us other than them, we privately got the help you guys needed and now we're here"

"And what about Max?" I asked. Everyone stayed quiet for a bit. "Ricky." He turned towards me and I noticed something. "Come here"

He did so but turned away. I grabbed his face lightly and turned it towards me. He had a black eye and a cut on his cheek "what the f*ck happened?"

"Well... after a little bit Jason and his crew got to the Creel's house. Jason came in and started to beat the sh*t out of Lucas and I. Jason broke Max's Walkman. And Vecna got her..."

"Wait... so she's-" I started to freak out

"No! No. Sorry no, she's not dead" Ricky reassured "Vecna managed to break her arm but he was scared off. She's at a hospital right now with Lucas"

I sighed with relief and wiped away a tear that had formed. "So... where'd Eddie?" I asked

"In my room. He's been resting."

"Is... he okay?" I asked

"Yea, thanks to you" Dustin smiled

"Something isn't sitting right with me... you guys heard five chimes, but no one died?"

"We don't know why either, nothing happened to Hawkins. Other than an earthquake." Steve sighed

"So he's still out there?"

"Unfortunately" Nancy sighed

"Then we need to stop him-" I tried getting up, forgetting I was cuffed to my bed. My body went back and I hit my head on the bed stand. "Ouch..."

"We can't go back. Not now at least. He was scared off and hasn't tried to kill anyone yet." Robin explained

"Doesn't mean he won't. When's the next time we can attack?" I asked

"Not anytime soon. Everyone needs to rest and recover." Steve added

"What about Eddie? His name is still in the dirt right?"

"No" and the agent said "we made up a whole story, an insane convict from a state over got into Hawkins and performed said murders. At least that's what we told the people here"

"And they believe it?" I asked

"Yes, everyone here wanted to put the blame on someone. We pretended like we caught the guy and now everything's back to normal" another agent explained

"Okay," I said, slightly confused "can you please uncuff me now? I won't try to hurt you guys."

A few agents looked at each other before one uncuffed me. I stayed on my bed and messaged my wrist.

"What do we do now?" I asked

"Pretend everything's normal. It's what we did after the mall 'fire'" Ricky sighed

"We need you to sign a few papers. To make sure the information of the current events won't get out" an agent said

"Alright" I sighed


A few hours later all the Agents had left and we were all in the living room. Steve and Dustin had gone out to get KFC for all of us since we weren't in the mood to cook.

I stared at a wall, trying to process everything. My leg bounced up and down over and over again. I finally got up "I'm going to go check on Eddie"

I made my way to Ricky's room. Inside Eddie was asleep on Ricky's bed. I grabbed a chair and sat down, I placed my hand a few centimeters away from his forehead and danced my fingers around.

I could feel the energy from him. I smiled and noticed Eddie opening his eyes. "What are you smiling about?" He asked, his voice was raspy and he turned his body towards me.

"I can feel you"

"What does that mean?" He asked

"I Can feel the energy from you"

"That sound... f*cking awesome" he smiled, I laughed and cupped his face.

"I thought I lost you," I whispered

"Yea me too, you did some crazy sh*t back there"

"I couldn't let them hurt you any more than they did" he placed his hand on mine.

"How bad did they get you?"

"Pretty bad" I laughed "I'll be okay though"

"That's good"

"Oh! They cleared up your name. So now, Eddie, the Banished is Eddie the Innocent"

"I think banished sounds more bad*ss" we both laughed and talked for a bit more. I heard Steve and Dustin come back and I got up. "I'm going to go get something to eat, want me to bring you a plate?"

"Yes please"

"Alright" I gave him a peck and made my way downstairs. I grabbed Eddie and I a plate and got back upstairs. I helped Eddie sit upright and then moved Ricky's nightstand to use as a small table.

Eddie and I kept talking as we ate. We changed the subject to school and other things. Once he finished I told him to take a nap and I went downstairs to cool off with my friends.

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