[15] No Escape From Reality

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Quick A/N: I know most of you probably hate these but I just want to say I really appreciate every single one of you who reads my stories. This one has been up for about a week and already has over 1k reads. Tysm and I hope you enjoy this chapter because it's a long one!


Eddie moved a tart that hide a medium-sized boat. I lifted the boat up with my powers and placed it into the water. We helped Robin, Eddie, and Nancy get in. I turned towards Ricky. "I'm going to go with them, okay? I need you to stay here. If anything happens. Can you do that?" I asked. Ricky nodded and gave me a quick hug.

Eddie helped me on the boat by taking my hand. I sat next to him waiting for Steve to push it into the water. Dustin tried to get on but I stopped him by lightly pushing him away with my powers. Saying it only fits 4 people. Dustin sighed and stood back, giving me the compass.

Steve moved the boat and hopped on. "You said four!" Dustin called out. "Sorry," Steve said shrugging his shoulders

"Bedtimes at 9 kiddos!" Robin joked. "Miss you already!" I said in a fake sad tone, making fun of Dustin as well.

We started to make our way to the middle of the lake. I looked at the compass as we rowed, seeing if the field was getting stronger. The compass suddenly went crazy and we stopped in the middle of the lake.

I stood up and looked at the water to see if there was anything that we could see in there, but I only saw a dark figure. "Guys?.." I said. I looked closer and a hand grabbed my arm. I fell backward back on the boat and started screaming.

The figure then got out of the water. It was hard to see but I knew who it was. I shined my flashlight at it, it was Heather. I started to shake in fear and stood up again. Only to see that all the water and my friends were gone.

*3rd person*

Steve got up and looked over to what Y/N was looking at. He saw nothing though. "What are you looking at?" Steve asked as he took off his socks to see if he could get in the water.

She didn't give a response though. "Y/N?" He asked. But still, no answer.

"Y/N?" Eddie said. He tapped her on the shoulder but she just stood there. "Guys..." Robin said. Noticing that the flashlights were acting up.

Y/N got off the boat and started to slowly back away from Heather who was screaming at her. "Remember you wanted cr*zy bitch?!? Remember!"

Y/N started crying and apologized profusely. "Say I'm better than him Y/N! SAY IT!" Y/N bumped into something and then heard shattering on the floor.

She turned around and saw her Father there, staring at her. "Did you just break an expensive vase?" He asked. Y/N shook her head and backed up away from him. Her dad then ran towards her and grabbed her arm. She tried to free herself but he had a tight grip on her. "Please, please let me go!" Y/N cried, still struggling with her father. "Please! Help me! Steve?! Ricky?! Nancy? Please someone help me!" She begged "please! Max? Robin? Eddie!?"

"Y/N!" Exclaimed Robin. Eddie shined his light on her face to see that Y/N's eyes were in the back of her head. "Y/N?... Y/N... wake up! I don't like this Y/N! Wake up! IT'S NOT FUNNY!" Eddie exclaimed.

Everyone on the boat looked too and cursed under their breath at the sight. "SHES CURSED?!?" Nancy exclaimed "What? But she- she didn't say anything!" Robin said

"I know! Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t!" Steve exclaimed aggressively brushing his fingers through his hair. "Guys! Guys! What's going on?!?" Dustin exclaimed through the walkie-talkie.

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