[10] In Hiding

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"What do you mean he wants to kill me!?!?" Eddie exclaimed

"I don't know! He thinks you did some- demon sh*t or something!" I sighed throwing myself on the couch.

"Lucas did tell me that he couldn't come for some- basketball reason," Dustin said eating the snack Steve had made for the kids.

"You don't think Sinclair is a part of this- do you?" Steve asked.

"No, he wouldn't." I said crossing my arms "but no one can know your here! After today, we'll find a place for you to hide in. You can switch houses" I said sitting up.

"Great" Eddie sighed "now I have to spend my spring break in hiding!" Eddie threw himself on the couch next to me. And sighed.

"Y/N?" I turned to Steve. "Hungry?" He asked. I shook my head no. "I'll make myself something later."

We all sat around talking about Eddie's arrangements on who he's staying with, and when. We agreed that he'd be in hiding until Jason had calmed down and decided to drop it. He'll be switching between my house, Dustin's, and his dealer's house every other day.

Once we finally finished out the planning, Steve had to go to his shift so he left. Max and Dustin left an hour later to go home leaving Ricky, Eddie, and I in the living room. We watched TV for an hour or so until we went to bed.

The next morning Ricky was eating cereal in the kitchen while Eddie and I decided to see what was on Tv. I changed a few Channels and stopped by the news.

"We are here on the streets, just passed the scene where Chrissy Cunningham was found deceased. Officially are now saying that Fred Benson, was found dead. Just a few minutes ago. We do not have any other details but we will keep you updated."

"F*ck," I said. My hands were shaky and my eyes started to water. Another person is dead, right where Chrissy was found. Eddie sat up straight and stared at the TV listening to the news.

The front door suddenly burst open but it was just our friends. "Y/N!" Dustin exclaimed "we need you to tell us how Chrissy's body was"

"What?" I asked

"Please- It's really, really important.!"

"Uh- I mean. Ok? Um... her body was all twisted- she was stuck in tree branches." My mind flashed back to when I found her, I started to talk slower and clearer as I explained. "Her bones were all snapped, her eyes looked as if- someone plucked them from the inside. She looked like a puppet that had lost its strings. Her jaw was wide open and dislocated..." my voice started to get shaky as I kept going into detail. Everyone was quiet and listened. Once I finished I was already crying. Eddie had placed his hand on my shoulder for comfort. "I- probably sound crazy... don't I?" I asked

"No, we don't think your crazy-" Dustin tried comforting.

"don't bullsh*t! me! I know how this sounds" I cried. Everything I held in for days just came pouring out. And it hit me that Chrissy's actually dead. It hit harder than when I found her.

"We're not bullsh*ting you," max said

"We believe you" Robin added. I looked up at him confused, tears still in my eyes. "What I'm about to tell you, might be a little- difficult to take In," Dustin said. Eddie and I looked at him confused. "You know how people say Hawkins is... cursed?" I nodded my head in confusion as I wiped my tears.

"They're not- way off," Ricky said, finishing Dustin's sentence. They all then explained the tragedies that recently happened and their true meaning of them. They explained that the mall fire wasn't just a normal fire, how one of their friends, El. That I knew had powers and stopped monsters. And that they needed me to explain because there was a chance that those said monsters, might have gotten back to Hawkins. With all the details I gave them, they figured out that it was something called Vecnas cursed. And they explained what Vecna is. And the possible dangers that came with it.

I sat there listening to them. Taking in every detail. I realized now that there were in fact, many strange things that happened in this town. Eddie stayed quiet, I'm pretty sure his mind was racing too.

"Hold on," I said "Ricky... you knew about this?" I asked. He made a shocked look, he then slowly nodded his head. "I didn't want you to know! You always worried about me and if you would have found out about this earlier then you would have asked mom and dad if we could move somewhere else." Ricky said.

I lightly smiled at him. "Your right. I would have flipped my sh*t if I found out before now. I just can't believe you did all that"

"Yea, but if you did find out then it would have prevented me from almost getting killed-"

"Getting what now?!?" I asked

Everyone turned to Ricky and he made an awkward face. "Long story," he said. I sighed and stood up. "Since we're confessing all of these things I also have something weird to confess"

"Which is?" Max asked

"I can do this." I used my powers to lift up a vase. Everyone stared at me. "No way!" Dustin smiled.

"Wanna see something cooler?" I asked. Dustin, Max, and Ricky all nodded their heads in excitement. I placed the vase down and lifted the sandwich Steve was eating.

I focused on it and twisted my hands in the opposite direction. I quickly did the motion and the sandwich split in half messily. Everyone gasped in amazement. Steve stared at me with a 'what the f*ck' look.

"I owe you a-"

"You owe me a sandwich," Steve said finishing and repeating my sentence.

"Wait so, when and how did you get those powers?" Dustin asked.

"Years ago. I don't know exactly when... or how. They just sort of came to me after I got sick for a week" I explained.

"Cool," max smiled.

"What else can you do?" Robin asked.

"Uh- I mean I can kinda read minds and give people hallucinations but I don't do that often"

"Do it to me!!! I volunteer!!" Dustin begged.

"Alright," I smiled "but I'm rusty."

Dustin thought of something before nodding his head, saying that he was ready. I took a deep breath and focuses on him. I could see what he thought of and laughed "really? Steve wearing that stupid apron?"

"It's a very nice apron!" Steve exclaimed. Dustin laughed and clapped his hands. "Now me!" Ricky said, "Give me a hallucination."

"Okay." I thought of something and got behind Ricky. I placed my hands a few inches from his
head and thought of something, I danced my finger around as the magic moved from my hand, into his head.

Ricky stared at nothing for a few seconds before he looked around confused. "What?" Dustin asked "what did you see"

"You all were just- dancing to a song from Grease," he said, still looking around.

"Really?" Steve asked. I smiled and nodded my head.

*time jump*

We left Eddie at my house while we went to the school's parking lot to talk with Nancy. She explained that Fred started to act weird the second they walked passed the football field and into the woods. I added in that Chrissy acted the same and Max said that she noticed it too. We started to add details in before Max realized that the maybe the victims had talked to the counselor about it. From there Nancy and Robin separated from us to do their own research.

We stopped by the school's counselor's house first, we all waited in the car as Max spoke to her. I was on the driver's side, Steve next to me, and Ricky and Dustin were in the back. Max went inside and we talked about nonsense until Max came back. She ran to the car with the keys in her hand. "What did she say?" Ricky asked.

"Nothing. Just drive" Max said. "Nothing?" Steve asked, "just drive!" Max exclaimed. I turned on the car and quickly drove off. We were on the road to the school when Lucas started to talk with Dustin through a walkie-talkie. Dustin explained that Eddie didn't do anything and that he was hiding at my place until night to change locations. Lucas agreed to meet us at the school but explained that he had to give a fake lead to where Eddie is to Jason to else he won't get off his back.

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