[11] The Curse

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When we finally got I to the school it was already dark. We had flashlights on hand and made our way over to the councilor's office. I agreed to stay on watch as they went in. I walked around the halls quietly checking all the exits making sure they were locked and that no one else was there. I let Robin and Nancy in and kept on watch.

I passed by Chrissy's locker and stared at it. There were flowers there and a photo of her. As well as candles on the floor but they were unlit. A pit in my stomach started to form the longer I stared. My heart started to beat and I felt like someone was watching me. I turned around but no one was there. I turned back to the locker and there stood Chrissy inside. The locker was open and her contorted body was staring at me. Her body then flung toward and I yelped, and fell backward in fear, dropping my flashlight in the process. Without thinking I use my powers and threw something at the locker. A red glow flew out of my hands and hit it, creating a hole. I stared at the locker, But it was closed, the photo, flowers, and candles were still there.

I stayed there on the floor as my mind started racing again. I looked at my hands. I created a power ball again. I threw it across the hall and it hit a locker, creating another hole. I laughed at this new ability and jumped up and down in excitement I heard screaming in another hallway. I quickly got up but took one last look at the locker, after a few seconds I turned away and ran towards the commotion.

I walked into the Hallway and Sinclair was rambling about Jason wanting to find Eddie, and how Jason is going after the Hellfire club members to see if they know where he is. Dustin called him down and explained to him what has been going on.

At this point, I was spaced out thinking about what the hell I had just seen. Steve elbowed me lightly after a few minutes, he said that we were going to go sleep on it and find out what to do the next day. Everyone decided to stay over at the house to catch up with Eddie on everything and to stay together.

I grabbed extra blankets and pillows for everyone as they caught up with Eddie who was eating a box of cereal. Once everyone had what they needed to sleep I was exhausted so I called it a night and went to my room.

*time jump*

The next day I got up and went downstairs. A few of us were awake so Steve and Nancy helped me make pancakes for everyone. Robin got up midway and helped us get the table ready. Once we finished everyone was up. Dustin, Ricky, Lucas, and Max ate at the table while Robin, Eddie, Nancy, Steve, and I ate in the kitchen area.

Max finished quickly and asked if there was any paper and envelopes in the office. I said yes and showed her where before going back to the kitchen to eat. Once we'll all finish Nancy showed us fake information her friends made for her and Robin to go check something out. Nancy asked if I had any clothes she can change to and I nodded my head and we went into my room. Ricky, Lucas, Dustin, and max stayed downstairs.

Steve and Nancy were arguing because Steve didn't want to babysit. "I'm not watching the kids alone," I said opening my closet.

"But why me?" Steve said, "it's always me!"

"Oh my god!" Robin smiled "you have a snoopy snow cone maker?!?"

Eddie walked in and checked it out with Robin. They laughed as they looked around at the stuff I had in my room. I decided to let them snoop around since we had bigger fish to fry. Nancy helped me look for something to wear as she explained to Steve why he couldn't come with us.

"Holy sh*t, she has a lot of care bear dolls" Robin whispered, smiling.

"Academic Scholar?" Steve said. "SHE- gives you academic scholar vibes?"

"Maybe not but-" I used my magic to pull out a fancy dress that I knew would fit Robin. "She will" I smirked

"Oh, please, tell me your joking" Robin sighed as she looked at the dress. I shook my head playfully and made the dress dance a bit and Steve laughed.

Eddie was looking at my cassette and excitingly picked one up. "bohemian rhapsody?" He asked smiling.

"Yea, it's my favorite! No one can beat Queen" I smiled shrugging my shoulders. "Do you want it? I have extras"

"Uh- yes!" Eddie smiled placing the item in his pocket. I laughed and took Robins's hand bringing her into Heather's room to help her change into the dress. Once Robin and Nancy had their dresses on they made their way out to the asylum.

We headed back downstairs and I sat down on the couch where the teen boys were playing a video game. They paused the game and looked at Max. "I know you guys are staring." She said, "if you think of you think having your eyes boring into the back of my head will save me from Vecna, then I don't know." She sighed.

Max got up and handed us envelopes with our names on them. We all looked at her in confusion. Dustin tried to open it but Max stopped him. Don't open it now! It's- it's a fail-safe... for after. If things don't work out."

"Wait Woah. Max. Things are gonna worn out" Ricky said

"No!" Max exclaimed "no, I don't need you to reassure me and tell me it's all gonna work out... People have died! And people have been telling me that it's going to be fine my entire life and it's- it's never true! It's never true. I mean of course that assh*le curses me. I should have seen that one coming."

"Max," I said softly walking up to her. "No matter what happens, we're going to be here to protect you. We are going to find a way to help you, even if it kills us. Your too important to lose" I gave her a reassuring look and she just nodded her head.

She turn towards the walkie-talkie and picked it up. "Do you think it would reach Nancy from East Hawkins..."

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