[13] One after the other

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That night the group showed up at my house, they were all exhausted from the events. Ricky, Dustin, and Steve filled me in on what happened first with max. And why she hasn't taken off the headphones connected to her Walkman yet. Then Robin and Nancy told us about their adventure. How they got caught and had to run. But also went into depth on the story the guy they were visiting told.

"Okay, so now that we know what can stop him from cursing us. Which is a great start." I said "but you guys should head to bed. No offense, but you all look like a mess." Everyone agreed that they did need a short break.

Everyone was soon knocked out except for Max. I led her into Heathers room. I got the boom box from my room and put it on heathers desk. I asked Max for the Cassette real quick and I placed it in. I put it on the lowest setting and changed the location so now it was on the nightstand. "I have it on repeat so the song won't stop. I know you are scared right now but I highly suggest you get some sleep" I cupped my hand on her cheek in a comforting way. "If you need anything, I'll be in the room right next door. But if you want, I can sleep here on the floor."

"No, it's alright. Thank you." Max smiled. I nodded my head and went into my room. I lay on my bed and rethought the events of today. It took a while for my brain to process everything and store it away but I eventually did fall asleep.

*time jump*

I woke up at 8. I groaned since I wanted to wake up at 6 to make breakfast for everyone. I got out of my room and went downstairs. Everyone was already eating.

"Hey Y/N" Robin smiled "we made you breakfast as a thanks for letting us stay here" she slid a plate towards me.

"Oh- thanks" I smiled. I levitated the plate to the table where I sat and finished the food quickly. I washed the dishes and Even though I was okay doing it myself, Steve kept insisting to let him help me. So I allowed him to rinse them while I scrubbed them. To show off a bit I sat down on the table, my fingers danced around as my magic washed the dishes for me. Midway through cleaning Ricky told us some bad news.

That Vecna had taken the life of another person. Steve and I stopped doing the dishes and went to look at the TV.

"We are here in Forest Hills, Trailer Park. Where 16 year old, Rodrigo Walker was found deceased. Neighbors are saying that he would go out every day to water his plants outside of his trailer, but when he suddenly stopped for a month. They got worried. From then on he would rarely come out of his home. But when the school and neighbors went to check up on him and not received any answers, they assumed he went on vacation. When really, Rodrigo has been dead. For over a week."

"Wait- that's Eddie's neighbor!" Dustin exclaimed.

"What?" I said

"Yea, look!" Ricky pointed at the screen "that's his van right there!"

"Should we break the news to him?" Lucas asked. Max came out of the office with Nancy behind her. Nancy showed us drawings that Max had made and explained that the drawings, were pieced together. Is Victor Creel's house.

"Guys I have to go somewhere, it's only going to take an hour or two" I sighed.

"Where are you going?" Robin asked

"Chrissy Funeral. I'll only be there for the service." I went upstairs and changed into a simple black dress. I put on a bit of makeup, grabbed my purse, and left.

I arrived with a lot of people already there. I greeted Chrissy's parents and sat down in the 3rd row. I looked around and sadly greeted the guest who sat around me. Jason then came in, and he and the other basketball players sat in my row. Jason sat next to me.

"How are you holding up?" I anxiously asked

"Could have been better" he said. "Have you, heard anything about E-"

"Eddie?" I said finishing his sentence. "No, I haven't. I asked my brother if he knew where he could possibly be at but he doesn't know" I lied.

"He needs to be stopped soon. The cops won't do anything about it. They said that there is no evidence." Jason said angrily.

"We'll find him. I'm sure if it" I fake smiled. He nodded his head and tearfully hugged me. I felt bad that I was lying to him but I couldn't let him hurt Eddie.

The ceremony soon started. Chrissy's mom took the stand. She talked about how she knew Chrissy is watching over us. And then she got angry. She started to talk about the Devil and how mad she was at the police that they haven't found out who killed her yet. She cried so much that she ended her speech early. Afterward, some of her friends, and Jason, went up and talked about their favorite memories with her. I also went up. I talked about Middle School and High School cheer, and the sleepovers we had. I stayed a bit longer after the ceremony, talking with Chrissy's family.

When it was over I went back home. Everyone was gone. They went out to seek a lead. I changed into more comfortable clothes and watched TV downstairs. I turned it off half an hour in because I was having a split headache. I rubbed my temples and groaned. I went to the bathroom and grabbed painkillers. I took one and decided to take a nap to help past the time.

*time jump*

The next day we all went out to pick up Eddie. We all crammed inside my car. I was driving with Robin next to me, Max and Lucas in the middle, and Steve, Dustin, and Ricky were in the back. I told them that one of them can sit in the middle since Eddie wasn't in the car yet but they insisted.

We couldn't enter the area though, we all got out to see what happened. We listened to the cop talking with News Reporters. That Patrick McKinney was found dead. The same way Rodrigo, Chrissy, and Fred were found. Disfigured. The police then said they had a suspect, Eddie.

"Fuck" I whispered. "This is bad- really bad" Steve added. "Why would they say it's Eddie?" Lucas asked. By sheer coincidence, Eddie started talking to us on the walkie-talkie. We walked and ran into the wooded area the second he told us where he is making sure no one else sees us.

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