[27] My Year

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Eddie screamed as the bats tore at his skin. Y/N screamed and dropped to the ground. The bats heard this and flew over to her.

In the distance, Dustin limped over to them. "Eddie! Y/N!" He called out. All he saw was red glowing and bats flying around.

Y/N created a huge wave and it flew the bats back. She got off the floor and instantly started to kill them off. She grabbed bats and threw them at each other. She would hold them and twist her arms around, snapping their necks and cutting them in half. The bats kept going at her. A few managed to take chunks of her skin but she kept going.

Dustin kept screaming and made his way to Eddie. "Eddie!" Dustin exclaimed. He noticed how bloody he was. "Oh god!"

Dustin lifted Eddie onto his arms. "Oh god. Eddie..."

"Bad huh?" Eddie asked

"No, no, no, no. Your gonna be fine." Dustin begged.

"Where's- where Y/N?"

"She's fighting off the bats don't worry."

"Alone?" Eddie asked "no-" he tried to get up but Dustin stopped him.

"Don't move!"

Y/N killed off half of the bats before letting out one more scream. huge energy wave went through the area. The bats fell to the ground and so did Y/N. Her body was aching and she was on the urge of passing out. She looked up and saw Dustin holding Eddie. She crawled her way there and her heart dropped when she saw the condition he was in.

"Eddie..." she whispered

"We need to get him to a hospital alright!?" Dustin exclaimed. They both tried to get him up but Eddie groaned "just- just give me a second."

Eddie smiled at both of them as he laid there, slowly choking on his own blood. "I didn't run away this time, right?"

"No, no you didn't," Y/N said softly rubbing her fingers on his face "you didn't run"

"Your gonna have to look after those little sheep for me, okay?" Eddie asked Dustin

"No! Your gonna do that yourself!" Dustin cried

"Nah, man. Say I'm gonna look after them. Say it"

"I'm... I'm gonna look after them" Dustin sobbed

"Good" Eddie smiled "cause I'm actually gonna graduate. I think it's my year. I got to date the popular girl, I'm famous for one reason or another... it's finally my year."

"Eddie c'mon. Please. I- I can't lose you. I just got you" Y/N sobbed "we never got to go on that date." She brushed her fingers through his curls. "Please don't do this-"

"I love you" Eddie whispered. Y/N was shook her head.

"No, tell me when you're at our date. Please. Tell me this when we're going to watch a movie, tell me this when we get married, for god's sake tell me when we get the f*ck out of here! Please!"

"I can't" he whispered. "I love you..."

"Eddie please" Y/N begged.

She placed a hand on his forehead and slowly danced her finger around. She can feel the energy from him.

"Love you Henderson" Eddie smiled

"Love you too man" Dustin cried.


"No, you're not going to die Eddie. Not in a few minutes, not tomorrow, not in a few months, and right f*cking now"

"You know I can't make it out of here"

"Please" y/n cried "I just got you..."

"I'm sorry..."

Y/N's facial expressions suddenly changed. Her eyebrow lifted and her eyes moved a round panicked.

"What?!" Dustin exclaimed

"I- I can't feel him..." Y/N shook Eddie but he didn't move. "No, no, no, no... EDDIE!" Y/N got up and looked around "energy... find something with electricity!"

Dustin got up and ran inside a trailer. He came out a few seconds later with batteries and an extension cord that was plugged in. Y/N tore open the top to the exposed wires. "If I try hard enough I think I might be able to transfer the energy to him. Like an AED. I can use my powers to try to start his heart." Y/N stared at the chord. "If anything goes wrong, get help."

She danced her fingers around a few centimeters away from the wires. Her other hand was on Eddie's chest. Magic flow through him and bumped up his heart. It was visible on her face that it was hurting her.

She groaned as she slowly moved her other hand on Eddie's chest. She released the energy and Eddie's body jumped up. She placed her hand back on the chord and did the same thing 3 more times before Eddie gasped awake.

Dustin turned Eddie over so he wouldn't choke on his blood. Y/N exhaustedly laughed and got up. She took one step back and then collapsed on the floor.

"Sh*t!" Dustin exclaimed.

"Guys?" Nancy asked, walking towards them.

"What the hell happened?" Steve exclaimed, checking on Y/N.

"It's a lot to explain but we need to get them help!" Dustin begged.

Steve checked Y/N's pulse and sighed. "Weak but it's there, let's go" he carried her up bridal style. Dustin and Robin helped Eddie up and they made their way to the gate.


The next day Y/N woke up on her bed in a panic. Last night was a bit fuzzy to her and she wasn't sure if everything was a dream or not. She got up and groaned in pain. She lifted my shirt to see that her was stomach wrapped in white. She got out of bed and raced downstairs.

The first thing she noticed was her friends, and then a bunch of people in suits. "Who the hell are they?" Y/N asked

"Y/N!" Ricky exclaimed. He ran up to her but she stopped him. "Who, the f*ck is in my house"

"It's a lot to explain, just sit it down" Steve started

"No! Who the F*ck are they!" Y/N repeated

"It's the government-" steve took a step towards Y/N but she stopped him in his tracks.

"Why are they here?"

"Please sit down-"

"No. Last thing I remember Eddie was dead and we were in the upside down. Now I'm here. Where's Eddie? And why are they here?!"

"Miss L/N" one of the people in suits got close to Y/N. She stopped them in their tracks with one hand and threw them across the room with the other. The people in suits raised their guns towards her.

Y/N swiped her hands and the guns dropped to the ground.

"Y/N Why are you acting so weird?" Ricky asked

"I Just don't know what the f*ck is going on!" A man stepped toward her and she threw him across the room. "EVERYONE STAY WHERE THE F*CK YOU ARE!"

"Y/N?" She turned toward the voice.

"Eddie?" She asked. One of the agents stuck a syringe in her neck and injected a sedative. She took out the object and stared at it.

"You *sshole-" she tried to throw the agent back but she stumbled around. She slammed into a wall, causing things to fall over. She flipped over and passed out on the ground.

"Did you really have to do that?" Ricky asked

"Yes." The agent sighed

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