New faces and allies. War begins.

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A few minutes later, 

"I still can't believe you're Elen's Dad." Rimuru muttered, talking to the old, blond haired man in front of him, now known as Erald. 

"I'm sorry about the misunderstanding too." He replied. "I heard my daughter had been kidnapped by a clown killing Demon Lord, so I thought she was in trouble." He said, rubbing his head sheepishly. 

"It was three clowns!" Rimuru explained. "And the random soul of some guy named Kazaream, whoever he was." 

"Wait, Demon Lord Kazaream?" Erald asked. 

"Don't act surprised at this point." Shizu replied, standing next to him. 

"Yo, what did I miss?" Veldora asked, walking up to them all, as everyone looked at him. "Sorry to keep you all waiting!" 

"That 's a nice shirt man." Rimuru commented. "Much better than the cape." 

"Indeed!" He exclaimed, before turning to Shuna. "I bestow you my thanks." 

"Thank you very much." Shuna replied. 

"Rimuru, is he one of your men?" Gazel asked, not recognizing him.

"Yep, let me introduce you to my bestfriend, sworn comrade and all time bro, Veldora!" Rimuru exclaimed, giving him a high five. 

'Veldora?' Gazel thought, his eyes widening, something which was mirrored by Erald, and Fuze as well. They all thought of the storm dragon, rampaging and destroying nations, and tried to compare it to this cheerful man. 

"I am the Storm Dragon, Veldora Tempest!" Veldora exclaimed, as their jaws dropped. "Only a select few people have ever seen me in the flesh. So you people are fortunate. You can feel proud." 

"Oh, he passed out!" Elen exclaimed, looking at Fuze.

"Can't blame him." Youm replied, having done the same thing when he met Veldora. 

"Overwhelmed with joy, I see." Veldora said, looking at him, before nodding. "It's not good for his age to pass out like that." 

"Anyways, we're going to have a serious discussion, you want to join in?" Rimuru asked. 

"Sure, I would love to have some fun." Veldora replied. 

"Rimuru, we need to talk." Gazel said, glaring at him. 

"I guess." Rimuru replied. 

'And that, ladies and gents, is how the meeting of the grand alliance of Jura got cancelled before it ever started.' 

In Rimuru's office, 

 "So the Storm Dragon, Veldora, has been revived?" Gazel asked, glaring at him. 

"Well, yes..." Rimuru began. 

"But before that, let me tell you one thing." Erald said. 


"I've been entrusted with the full authority from the Emperor of Sorcerer's Dynasty Sarion. My words will decide Sarion's position on this matter." Erald explained. 

"Good." Rimuru nodded. "I would hate to have my clones go and blow up an Emperor's castle. They usually look pretty cool." 

"Y-you would actually do that?!" 

"Yeah, it's not like anyone can stop me." 

"Point." Erald said. "But I would still like a full explanation." 

Backstory time.

"And that, is my story, up until now, gentlemen." Rimuru concluded, as he noticed both of them on the floor and grabbing their heads.

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