New enemies and old allies.

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A few minutes later,

"What?! The orcs attacked you guys?" Kaijin asked, shocked. "I don't believe it."

"It's true." Redhead the ogre replied with a solemn expression on his face, as Kaijin looked away.

"I can't believe something like that could happen." He muttered. 

"I don't understand it either." Rigurd said, as Gobta entered the fray.

"Is it really so hard to believe?" He asked, not really knowing the power scaling between the two species.

"It certainly is. The strength of an orc and an ogre is wildly different" Kaijin explained. "It's hard to believe that lowly orcs would fight like that."

"Nevertheless, that's what they did." Redhead said irritably. "They laid a surprise attack upon our village. They carried weapons and wore armour. Their overwhelming size filled the entire forest. Those deplorable pigs overran our village."

"The orcs wore armour?" Kaijin asked.

"Yes. The same full-plate mail that humans wear." Redhead replied.

"That would mean..."

"That the orcs are working with someone else." Rigurd finished for Kaijin.

"Orcs could never collect that much quality armour on their own." Kaijin responded in agreement.

"That's correct." Redhead said. "Amongst their ranks was a Magic born with a mask. It was a high level Magic born, there's no doubt about that."

"Which is why you attacked me..." Rimuru began, interrupting as he came to them, along with Shizu. "Believing me to be the same person."


 "Could the orcs have aligned with one of the demon lords?" Rigur asked, as Shizu looked thoughtful for a moment.

"It's possible." She replied, before shrugging. "However, why a demon lord would do that, only they would know. Each has their own agendas."

"Indeed. All I know for certain, is that out of 300 of my clansmen, only the six of us are still alive." Redhead said, as Rimuru nodded.

"Exactly why, I've decided to help you." Rimuru said, as Redhead's eyes widened.

" have your own village, and no reason to get involved. Yet, you will help us?" He asked, as Rimuru nodded.

"I don't hold any delusions of a perfect, peaceful world. That's not how I grew up. I expect that the orcs will soon come for Jura Forest, which will eventually lead to them crossing paths with our village." Rimuru explained.

"Besides, Jura Forest is famous for its resources, as well as the variety of monsters. If the orcs are looking to loot and plunder, it's highly probable that we will have to face them eventually." Shizu elaborated, as Rimuru nodded in agreement.

"I agree. However, in the meantime, all we can do is rest and recuperate before we face them again." Redhead said.

"And that's where you're wrong." Rimuru said, as Redhead turned to him.

"What do you mean?"

"Like it or not, you don't have a place to go from here to." Rimuru began.

"What Rimuru is trying to say, is that we're not only offering you help in defeating them, we're offering you to join us, in this village as Rimuru's subordinates." Shizu explained.

"That way, you won't have to worry about finding a place to rebuild. Also, I'll be naming each and every one of you. Think of it advance payment, so to speak." Rimuru concluded.

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