Ascension to Elemental Demon God

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Continuing from the last chapter,


That was the number of people, that Rimuru's first wave of Megiddo had killed. A single attack.

"Reyheim!" The king cried out. "What's this? What now? What should we do?" He asked, extremely worried for his life.

"Let's calm down first! We must remain calm!" The Archbishop cried out, trying to placate the king as they desperately held onto each other. Soon, the king's guards were killed too, and a knight, along with the Mage, who was now possessing Shogo's body came to them.

 "Hurry! We must get out of here!" The king yelled out at the knight. "We must return to our home and regroup our forces!"

"Indeed." Shogo possessed, or (P.Shogo for now) said. "We have no idea what has occurred. We must leave at once, or else we will get caught in this carnage as well."

"Yes!" The king exclaimed. "Now let's go home right away, using your teletransportation magic!"

"Unfortunately, I can't use any magic because of this Anti-Magic Area." P.Shogo explained.


"Do not worry, Your Highness, Archbishop Reyheim." The Knight said. "I can use my Unique Skill, Spearhead, to force our surviving groups to group together." He said. "They will serve as body shields to protect both of you."

"I knew I count on you!" The king yelled out.

"I will go gather our troops." The Knight said as he rushed out of the cover of the King's tent. A beam of energy went straight through his head within a second, instantly killing him.

"AHHHH!!!I'll die! We'll all die!"

"I-It can't be!! Just what is happening?!!" P.Shogo looked out, as Rimuru descended down to them.

"Are you the ruler of the Monsters?" He asked.

"Hmm, are you one of the Otherworlders from the Western side?" Rimuru asked.

"Just the body." P.Shogo replied.  "It's a different guy inside."

"Eh, you're my enemy anyway." Rimuru muttered, as a slime ball formed in his hand, and a beam of energy sailed outwards, straight through his head.

"No way! Him too!" The King cried out. 'Picking a fight with the monsters was the worst thing I could do? Was this God's way of making me pay for my sins? What should I do? What can I do to survive this?'

"Don't even bother trying to pray." Rimuru said. "He's not going to save you, and he never could."

'Wait, there might be a way!' The King exclaimed. 'He's the Ruler of a trading nation, he likes to trade. I can use that. Besides, he trades with the small Blumund Kingdom. Surely he'll beg at my feet when he learns that I'm the King of the great Farmus Kingdom!'

"Please spare us!" Two Knights cried out, and two beams of energy shot out, killing them instantly.

"Notice." Great Sage announced. "The Unique Skill Merciless was successfully obtained."

"Merciless? What's that?" Rimuru asked, his mask still on.

"Are you the Ruler of the nation of monsters?" The King asked as Rimuru raised his hand, creating two balls of slime. "I am Edmaris, the King of Farmus Kingdom! Bow before me, for we have matters to discuss!"

"The fuck did you just say to me?" Rimuru growled, as the King's right arm exploded in a shower of blood, and he fell down, screaming and crying in agony.

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