To the kingdom of the Dwarves.

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Three days later,

"Ugh, finally." Rimuru said, slowly waking up. 'How was I supposed to know naming people takes up a certain amount of Magicules? No wonder Rigurd was worried.' Rimuru mentally recapped, as someone called.

"Rimuru-Sama, you're finally awake?" A female goblin called out as she gently pressed her hand on him. "You seem to be so much better today." She noticed as she got up.

"I'll just call over Elder Rigurd now!" She said, leaving the room as Rimuru looked on in confusion. 'Who was she again? I don't remember seeing her before,and since when was there a beauty like that in the village?' Rimuru wondered, as his thoughts were interrupted by a loud and deep voice.

"Rimuru-Sama! Have you finally awakened from your slumber?" The voice called out.

"Oh Rigurd! That lady just now..." Rimuru began, only to freeze in shock as he saw a white haired, massively muscular goblin in the place of the frail and the barely able to walk village elder. 'What's with the glow-up?'

"What the hell happened to you?"

"This is because you bestowed me with a name!" Rigurd said, flexing as Rimuru looked on in shock.

"Wait, really?"

"Yes, when a monster is given a name, it means that our rank as a monster increases, allowing us to evolve!" Rigurd explained, as Rimuru nodded. 'That explains the glow up alright.' However, before Rimuru could reply, the entire front of the shack he was in broke open, as Ranga entered the room. His star had become much larger, along with a long golden horn growing on his forehead.

"I present my sincerest congratulations on your complete recovery, Rimuru-Sama!" He said, excitedly wagging his tail as Rimuru created a mini hand to pat him.

"Good boy, now let's see what's happening outside." Rimuru said, climbing over him as they went over to the cheering crowds rejoicing over the return of their master. 'Now that I think about it, these guys look like they changed entirely.'

"Male goblins have evolved into hobgoblins, while female goblins have evolved into goblinas."Great Sage explained, as Rimuru nodded in understanding, as he set out to meet the other wolves on the edge of the hill.

"Ranga, I'm sure that I only named you, so why did the other wolves evolve as well?" Rimuru asked, confused.

"My lord! We, the Direwolf Clan, believe in "All For One".  Our comrades are all connected to one another. As a result, my name has become the name for the entire clan." Ranga explained, as Rimuru nodded.

"That makes sense. So with a single name, the entire clan evolved together." Rimuru stated, as Ranga nodded.

"We are no longer the Direwolf Clan. We are the Tempest Wolf!" Ranga yelled excitedly, as Rimuru created a thumbs up in appreciation. Ranga began to excitedly wag his tail, which led to creating a massive wind and pushed Rimuru bouncing straight off the hill.



"Why don't you show some consideration for me?" Rimuru asked, still rolling down the hill as Ranga followed, trying to catch up.

"I am extremely sorry!"

"You couldn't think of shrinking your body before pushing me off a cliff?" Rimuru asked as Ranga finally caught up and lifted him up, as they both headed to the village together, where everyone was gathered. Rimuru stood in the front, with Rigurd and Ranga by his side, as the entire village looked at him. 

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