Merging the kids and spirits.

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Continuing from last chapter,

"It's a dead end." Shizu muttered, bored.

"Are you going to make the bridge vanish and drop us?" Rimuru asked. "If so, Ranga and I can fly, so there's really no point." He muttered.

"There's no need to rush!"

"Small world!"

The voice yelled out, as the area around them changed. A floor appeared, as they all seemed to be in a domed room, quite an old one, from what Rimuru could tell. 'Please don't be a stadium again.' Rimuru mentally pleaded.

"Amazing..." Kenya muttered, looking around, as the others did the same. Rimuru unsheathed Nightshade, followed by Shizu, as Ranga put his tail around the kids, his horn glowing.

"Well, now's the time to face a trial!"

The voice called out, as Rimuru and Shizu stared up at a pink robot like creature. The robot looked down at them, with a glowing red eye, as Rimuru rolled his eyes at its intimidation tactics.

"So, we're supposed to kill this?" Shizu asked.

"Exactly!" The voice yelled out, as Shizu and Rimuru dodged a punch that created a crater in the ground.


"Old man!"

"Easy kids." Rimuru said, as they all stopped screaming. "We'll be fine. Besides, this golem isn't even that strong."

"HELL FLARE!!" Shizu yelled out, firing out a ball of black flames, as the entire robot was turned to ash instantly.

"See what I mean?" Rimuru asked the kids. "Downright fodder." He said, as the kids nodded, speechless.

"No way!"


"In just one hit?!"

"Yes, and if you don't come out in the next 5 seconds, you're the next one being incinerated." Rimuru said, his sword covered in black flames. Black lightning crackled on the edge of Ranga's horns, and two fireballs floated in the air around Shizu.

"I'm coming! Don't hit me!" The voice called out, as a small yellow blur appeared in front of them, buzzing around.

"At thus moment, despite my profound humiliation, I come forward to meet your call." The fairy said, stopping righting front of Rimuru, who blinked in confusion.

"A fairy?" Gale asked.

"She's cute." Chloe said.

"What's your name?" Shizu asked.

"I'm one of the..." The fairy began, only to stop as she grabbed her mouth in pain.

"She bit her tongue." Chloe pointed out to Rimuru, who was rubbing her head.

"Has it been long since you've spoken without using telepathy?" Gale asked, considerate of everyone, always.

"Are you okay?" Rimuru asked.

"I'm fine, I think." The fairy replied, before standing proudly. " I am one of the 10 great demon lords. Ramiris of the Labyrinth."


Ramiris was bonked on the head, nearly knocking her out of the air.

"What the hell are you doing?"


"Not that!"

"How are you a demon lord? If you're going to lie, at least make it believable." Rimuru muttered.

Percy Jackson: Demigod Turned Demon Lord.Where stories live. Discover now