Charybdis arrives

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Continuing from last chapter,

"So, let me get this straight, Demon Lord Frey and Clayman are all chummy with each other, and they planned this whole Orc Lord stuff? They're comparatively weak demon lords, and are going to serve as a minor annoyance. That's it?"

"hmm." Milim nodded, munching down on cookies while she sat in Shizu's lap.

"How much of a danger do these guys serve, Shizu?" Rimuru asked, as Shizu shrugged.

"Not that much, honestly. These guys are more of schemers than they are fighters. The way you are now, you could easily beat them without effort. But, we have to worry about them bringing other demon lords into their schemes."

"So, they're a bunch of Prometheus-es?"

"I don't know who that is, but I believe yes." Shizu replied, looking down to see an asleep Milim."She really is a child."

"A child who needs to be protected. Clayman is probably using her for her power, and finding ways to control her." Rimuru said, as Shizu looked at him, worried.

"Is that even possible?" Shizu asked, as Rimuru nodded.

"Possibly, yes. There are various forms of control, corruption, manipulation. They could use any of these, and I won't be there to protect her. Good thing, that I don't need to be." Rimuru stated, as Shizu looked at him, confused.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

'Great Sage, is the skill ready?' Rimuru mentally asked.

"Would you like to activate skill Body clones?" Great Sage asked, as Rimuru nodded. He snapped his fingers, as two other Rimuru's appeared beside him.

"Are they like Souei's body replicas?" Shizu asked, as Rimuru nodded, watching as his clones got into an arm wrestling contest with each other.

"They're similar, but a lot stronger, kind of like Naruto's kage bunshin, and there's no limit to how many I can make." Rimuru stated, before turning to his clones. "Hey, you two!"

"Yes boss?"

"What can we do for you?"

"Go spy on Clayman, make around 500 clones each, and spread them across this world, I need as much information as possible at a regular basis." Rimuru ordered, as the two dissolved into mist, teleporting away.

"So, do you get their memories as well?" Shizu asked, as Rimuru nodded.

"Yes, but unlike Naruto's clones, I don't need to dispel them, it's a constant process. I'm getting their memories, even now." Rimuru stated.

"Let me guess, you thought of this when we binge watched Naruto in your memories?" Shizu asked, as Rimuru nodded. Souei appeared next to him, as Rimuru looked at him, confused.

"What now?" Rimuru asked.

"A group of humans is heading this way, seemed to be from the neighboring Farmus kingdom. There's another small squad of humans as well, that are heading towards this bigger squad, and are in combat with a huge spider." Souei reported, as Rimuru sighed.

"Let me guess, the smaller squad contains an idiotic blond for a leader, a blond girl with a staff, a sad guy who does nothing but make sure his team doesn't screw up?"

"Yes, Rimuru-Sama."

"Oh god, it's those idiots again."

"Cabal and the rest?" Shizu asked, as Rimuru nodded.

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