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 volume 2 | episode 4THE WAR ZONE┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐'this is totally the wrong time and we have bigger issues at hand, but is it totally wrong that i'm finding this kinda-'└────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┘

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volume 2 | episode 4
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'this is totally the wrong time and we have bigger issues at hand, but is it totally wrong that i'm finding this kinda-'
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AFTER BEING TOLD THE PLAN, AND arguing with maeve for a solid ten minutes about allowing max to be the bait, they realised they needed weapons. eddie seemed to have a lightbulb moment as he rummaged through drawers and grabbed a newspaper and slammed it down on the table. everyone crowded around as he explained 'the war zone'.
"i've been there once. it's huge. they got everything you need for, uh, well, killing things, basically."
"do you think fake rambo has enough guns there? is that a grenade? I mean, how is any of this legal?" robin questioned.
"well, lucky enough for us, it is. this place is just far enough outside of hawkins. as long as we steer clear of main roads, we oughta be able to avoid cops, and, uh, angry hicks." eddie continued explaining. maeve stared at the advert on the newspaper.
"if we're trying to avoid angry hicks, maybe we shouldn't go to some store called the war zone." erica argued.
"normally, i'd agree, but we need the weapons, so I think it's worth the risk." nancy joined in. maeve leaned on the table next to eddie and frowned at the ad, it just all seemed so violent.
"but is it worth the time? it'll take all day to bike there and back." dustin made a valid point. maeve had done enough biking for a month.
"who said anything about bikes?" eddie said. everyone turned to him confused.
"you got some car we don't know about?" steve asked. eddie stood upright off the table and looked at steve.
"it's not exactly a car, steve, and it's not exactly mine, but it'll do. hey, red, you got a ski mask or a bandana, something like that?" max raised her eyebrows in response as she thought.


myers mask was not what maeve thought she be doing today, but they quickly ran across the trailer park, lucas almost falling down the hill during it, and followed eddie to another trailer, where he climbed into a window, and onto the sofa. maeve followed after him, then steve, and the rest. eddie locked the door and began hot wiring the trailer.
"and how did you learn to hot wire?" she asked.
"well, when the other dads were teaching their kids how to fish or play ball, my old man was teaching me how to hot wire." he subconsciously messed around with the wires, like it was the easiest thing ever. "now, I swore to myself I wouldn't wind up like he did, but now i'm wanted for murder, and soon, grand theft auto. so, uh, i'm really living up to that munson name."
"this is totally the wrong time and we have bigger issues at hand, but is it totally wrong that i'm finding this kinda-" maeve began.
"do not finish that sentence." steve ordered as he watched eddie cut wires.
"eddie, i'm not sure I love the idea of you driving." robin joined the four up front.
"oh, i'm just starting the sucker. harrington's got her. don't you, big boy?" maeve laughed as steve stared at eddie confused. the engine started and immediately there were angry bangs at the door and windows. steve and eddie swapped seats and steve started driving them away. eddie and maeve ran to the back and dived onto the seats as steve turned the trailer in every direction to get out the trailer park. maeve held onto the sofa tightly as her stomach turned with every swerve.
"they look pissed." dustin stated as he watched them from the back window. maeve watched as eddie began headbanging to the chaos. she scoffed and shook her head with a smile.
"it's not everyday you lose your car and your home in one swoop!" robin said.


THE WAR ZONE REALLY WAS A WAR zone. they pulled up, and the place was heaving with people. maeve quickly realised it was because of how scared everyone was. erica, nancy, steve, robin, max and maeve all entered the war zone. maeve didn't know where to start.
"so much for avoiding angry hicks." robin muttered.
"let's be... fast." nancy suggested. everyone quickly agreed, before heading off to find weapons. maeve headed straight towards the shields and axes.

» [𝗍𝖺𝗂𝗇𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾] «
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"they have swords?" she said to herself, out loud as the music played over everyone's conversations.
"yeah, don't they have a lot, huh?" maeve heard a familiar voice next to her. she felt her throat become tight as she found jason standing next to her. he looked like he hadn't slept in days.
"jason. fancy seeing you here." she attempted to stay casual.
"I think it's more unusual that you're here, maeve."
"i'm just, grabbing stuff. you never know." she lied. he turned to face her and she noticed he had grabbed one of the knives from the side. he was gripping it so tight, his knuckles had gone white.
"tell me if my eyes have deceived me, but, the day before chris- you know, weren't you in a classroom with eddie munson?" he asked. maeve tried to keep her breathing calm as he got closer. she didn't realise he had seen her that day. "we took you in, maeve. our team, we allowed you into our family. and now, you're corrupting it. you corrupted chris. and I know you know where eddie is, so easy way is you tell me where he is." he was incredibly close now. maeve could no longer hear the music over her heartbeat rising. jason lifted the knife up to her stomach. she felt it slightly brush her clothes. "or the hard way." he threatened. "seems like you've already had some damage done. what happened to your arm? your face?" maeve's head whipped round to check her arm and thanked god they had replaced eddie's handkerchief with a real bandage before they left.
"I fell." she said. "now, step back, before I start screaming. I don't know where that freak is. may I remind you, chris was my best friend. why do you think i'm getting all this stuff? i'm gonna hunt the freak." she hated herself. she hated the way she was talking about eddie right now. maeve dug her nails into her palms to distract herself. jason stared at her for a few moments, the knife coming closer. maeve inhaled and held her breath.
"you better not be lying, cooper. have a good day." he said, before slamming the knife down and going into a different aisle. maeve exhaled and calmed her breathing before picking up whatever she could and throwing it into a basket.


SHE MET THE OTHERS AT THE CASH register, and realised nancy had a catch up with jason too. they quickly payed, ran out and drove away. maeve looked down at her hand as they drove out the parking lot, and realised she'd drew a little bit of blood. eddie got up from hiding behind the curtains as they got off main roads.
"what the hell happened in there?" he asked.
"jason. and his horde of minions." maeve filled him in. "he's crazy. he's actually gone crazy. did you see his eyes, nance? dude hasn't slept in days." she said.
"yeah, he's can't deal with chrissy's death." nancy responded. suddenly maeve was filled with guilt. chrissy. she hasn't had time to mourn her, to grieve the death of her best friend. it's like she forgot it even happened.
"hey, maeve? why did you say he was crazy?" lucas asked.
"oh, because he threatened me." she said, trying to push away the guilt and ended up speaking quite casually.
"uh, excuse me, what?" eddie said.
"I know. I was by the sharp objects aisle, and of course that's when he bumped into me. he grabbed a knife, started being all like 'tell me where he is' and all that. luckily we swapped the handkerchief for a bandage beforehand otherwise, I- we would've been screwed." maeve explained. everyone but steve looked at her. "listen, he didn't draw blood. he's too coward to do so. I realised that after."
"I swear to god, i'm gonna kill him after all this." eddie shook his head in anger.
"no, you're not. because then all of this, is trying to prove your innocence, would've been for nothing. i'm fine, i'm good. we have the stuff. that's what we came here to do."


𝖧𝖤𝖫𝖫𝖥𝖨𝖱𝖤 ☠︎ 𝖾𝖽𝖽𝗂𝖾 𝗆𝗎𝗇𝗌𝗈𝗇Where stories live. Discover now