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 volume 1 | episode 2CONTEMPLATION┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐'this is why I don't make new friends'└────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┘

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volume 1 | episode 2
┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐
'this is why I don't make new friends'
└────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┘


» [𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗇𝖽𝗌 𝗈𝖿 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾] «
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EDDIE WAS ONE OF THE ONLY THINGS on maeve's mind that day. even when she got home, she just kept thinking back to her interaction with eddie. maeve grabbed the jacket she was wearing at school and reached into the pocket, pulling out a small, familiar piece of paper. the ink had slightly smudged, but it was still eligible. maeve stared at the piece of paper for a few minutes, debating what to do.
'maybe I should call him and pretend i'm asking about tutoring. wait, why would I be pretending to ask, I actually have to ask. oh god. this is why I don't make new friends.'
after another few minutes of her brain battling itself, she sighed deeply and walked to her phone. she dialled the number, taking deep breaths.
"hey, ed-" the call didn't go through. she looked at the phone as if it had insulted her, and tried again. no response.
'this is why I don't try. no, that's not fair. he might be busy.' she turned and read her clock. 'who the hell is busy at 10 pm? maybe people with lives. maybe he has a life. just call chris.' maeve listened to herself and called chrissy, knowing her number off by heart. no response either. maeve audibly groaned before slamming the phone back onto it's holder and deciding to just go to sleep.


it wasn't early either. she rubbed her eyes as she saw the 8:53 am on her clock. it took a couple of seconds, but her brain finally woke up too and told her to get ready for chrissy. maeve put on her purple, pink and green striped shirt and denim shorts.

» [𝖽𝗈𝗇'𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎 (𝖿𝗈𝗋𝗀𝖾𝗍 𝖺𝖻𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗆𝖾)] «
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she grabbed a piece of toast and ate it as she stared out the window for chris, waiting for her to turn up. after a while, a car finally turned up. maeve heard the noise from the living room, and ran to the door as chrissy practically knocked it down.
"alright, chris, jesus, no need to bust down the do-" maeve stopped herself as she didn't see chrissy, but two police officers.
"hi, are you maeve cooper?" the one asked.
"yeah, that's- i'm maeve cooper." she answered quietly.
"maeve, honey, is that chrissy?" her mom called from the other room.
"uh, no." she loudly responded. she heard her mom walk through the house as she stared at the two police officers.
"we just need to have a quick chat with you, maeve, if that's okay." they asked.


"AS YOU MAY HAVE HEARD ON THE news, there was a murder at the trailer park last night. everything we say to you is strictly confidential, and you are being trusted with this information as it's important to the case." the sheriff spoke as maeve's mom served the pair tea in the living room. "thank you." they responded.
maeve's mind instantly went to eddie. that's the location he gave on the piece of paper, but surely the police don't know they know each other, right? maeve grabbed another piece of toast off the plate her mom had brought in.
"the student murdered, her name was chrissy cunningham." maeve took a bite of her toast as they revealed who had been murdered. the room started spinning. she struggled to swallow the toast, and once she finally stopped struggling, she couldn't bring herself to say anything. her nose twitched as she attempted to remain calm and not break down in front of the officers. "she was found in the trailer belonging to eddie munson. like we said, this is strictly confidential, but in order for this case to progress, we need information. do you know why chrissy would be at eddie munson's trailer?" the sheriff continued to ask questions. it took a few seconds for maeve to be able to begin speaking, as her brain wouldn't allow it.
"uh, no. no, I don't know. they've hardly spoken before, I think. chris usually tells me everything, and she's never mentioned eddie before." maeve bit her lip to stop the tears from falling.
"was chrissy interested in taking drugs?" the officer asked.
"I- no, chris would never-"
"what about smoking?" he continued asking.
"huh? no, chrissy is not that type of person."
"did she and eddie have romantic feelings towards each other?"
"no, like I said, chris has never spoken to him and chris does none of that stuff and i'm trying to adjust to the fact that my best friend has been murdered so please give me a minute!" maeve stood up, overwhelmed, and ran upstairs. she slammed the door shut and sat on her bed. there was no stopping the breakdown now. her best friend is dead, she has no one, and she couldn't help but feel guilty and selfish for eating her toast as they told her about chrissy. she grabbed her pillow and just screamed into it. 


IT WAS STILL QUITE EARLY FOR A weekend, and the police had left ten minutes ago as maeve didn't come back downstairs to answer any more questions. she splashed some cold water on her face, and decided to head to family video anyways. last time someone close to her died, she stayed in her room and couldn't move. this time, she decided she was going to live for chrissy. she got in her car, and drove straight for family video, knuckles going white as she gripped the wheel. the family video store was quite empty, except for two kids running the counter and the workers running around on phones. maeve glanced at them for a minute, before returning to pick a film. she looked around, hoping to find the film with the most cheer in it as possible. she found a film literally called 'the cheerleaders' and decided to rent it. maeve walked up to the counter, and to no surprise caught the attention of no one as they all talk on the phones. steve harrington turned around and quickly walked to the counter.
"hey, how can I help you today?"
"oh, hi. I want to rent this. please." she asked and put the movie on the counter. steve observed the film, questioning why maeve cooper was renting 'the cheerleaders'. "it's not my choice. it's- a friends choice." she said.
"i'm not judging. i'll get that sorted for you." he went to the till and computer. she gazed around, peering at the kids.
"c'mon, eddie, where are you?" the kid with curly hair whispered. maeve heard it, and instantly remembered back to yesterday. did eddie seem like a killer yesterday? she realised if she wanted closure, she needed to find eddie. the ginger girl got off the phone and started talking to robin and the curly haired kid. she desperately tried to hear them, but steve interrupted her spying.
"all sorted. enjoy." he smiled. maeve subtly attempted to walk back through the aisle's, and watched closely as they typed stuff on the computer. they went through multiple accounts, before stopping on this guys account. they celebrated, and maeve quickly tried to make herself look busy. whilst they weren't looking, she took note of the address on the computer screen, and left family video.


𝖧𝖤𝖫𝖫𝖥𝖨𝖱𝖤 ☠︎ 𝖾𝖽𝖽𝗂𝖾 𝗆𝗎𝗇𝗌𝗈𝗇Where stories live. Discover now