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 volume 2 | episode 1UPSIDE DOWN┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐'it will be a cool battle scar afterwards anyways'└────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┘

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volume 2 | episode 1
┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐
'it will be a cool battle scar afterwards anyways'
└────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┘


GASPING FOR AIR AS SOON AS IT WAS available to her, maeve struggled as she finally found where the other's had disappeared off to. her surroundings reminded her of hawkin's, but not quite the same. it was dark, with black vines covering the surfaces. the air had a chill in it, not a cold chill, but an eerie chill. as her eyes adjusted and her focus became clear, she saw eddie next to her on the ground, rubbing his eyes and getting up as quickly as he could. maeve looked in the same direction as eddie, and realised steve was being choked by a demonic bat, and the girls were attempting to fight them. maeve leaned on her hands in support to stand and grabbed a pole she had found on the floor. she found herself walking into the middle of the fight, and attacking the bats with everyone else. one bat flew onto one end of the pole as she fought another, pulling the pole and allowing for her focus to be elsewhere for the bat to draw blood. maeve yelled as the bat dug it's teeth into her arm, but she hastily aimed for the bat's mouth as it opened to take another bite out of her arm and speared the pole down its throat. she pulled back the pole as the other bat went for her face and scratched her cheek, and started using the rest of her energy to hit the other. even though it had most likely died, maeve continued to hit it on the floor, yelling a battle cry and she watched it's blood splatter on the floor with every hit. maeve threw the pole to the ground and deeply sighed as she tried to catch her breath, realising everyone was watching her hit the bat over and over.
"I think it's dead." robin stared at what was left of the bat on the ground.
"jesus christ. jesus h christ!" eddie yelled.
"steve! are you okay?" nancy asked. maeve turned around to look at the state the bats had left steve in. he had the bat's blood still dripping from his mouth, purple marks already forming around his throat and two bite marks on his stomach, oozing with blood.
"well, they took around a pound of flesh, but other than that, yeah, never better." steve still joked even though if they had been a couple seconds longer he would've been bat food.
"uh, do you guys think these bats have rabies? it's just that rabies are like my number one greatest fear, and I think we should get you to a doctor because once the symptoms set in, it's too late. you're already dead." robin began explaining, but the group were quickly distracted by the sound of the bats again. they were guarding the gate.
"alright, there's not that many, we can take them." steve said. maeve looked over at her pole next to the smashed up bat, before glancing over at the sky. it was filled with angry bats headed straight for them.
"yeah, but not that many." maeve pointed at the sky. they all looked up and started backing away.
"the woods. come on." nancy lead them and they all followed without hesitation as they ran into the woods.


THE BATS SQUEALED AND SCREECHED as they flew above the five. they were all hidden under skull rock. all they could hear apart from the bats was the heavy breathing from everyone. panic was setting in. maeve tried to stay calm, but the wound on her arm was incredibly painful. she closed her eyes, and finally the noises stopped. robin slowly started walking out with everyone following her.
"that was close."
"yeah. too close." eddie added, his voice slightly trembling. maeve looked over as steve fell and used the rock to stay upright. nancy immediately ran over to him to sort him out. maeve checked the skies to make sure no bats were on their way as she tried to calm her breathing and heart rate. she closed her eyes and took deep breaths.
"what's wrong?" she heard eddie say. she opened her eyes and turned to look at him. "jesus, your face, are you okay?" he immediately got closer to look at the wound on her face.
"yeah, it's fine, it's not too deep. plus it will be a cool battle scar afterwards anyways." she joked. "it's not that one i'm worried about." eddie watched with concern as she rolled up her sleeve. she winced as the fabric brushed the wound. without speaking, eddie grabbed his handkerchief covered in skulls and unraveled it.
"ready?" he asked. maeve slowly nodded, and eddie quickly wrapped the handkerchief around her arm. "not too tight, is it?" even though he was tying the handkerchief around her arm, he couldn't help himself from glancing over to see her face every five seconds to make sure she was okay.
"thanks, ed." she said. he grabbed her head gently and pulled it towards him as he kissed her forehead. they both looked over at steve who was being aided by nancy.


WHILST STEVE WAS BEING TREATED, eddie climbed a rock nearby.
"so, uh, this place is like hawkins, but with monsters and nasty shit?" he said from the top of the rock.
"pretty much." nancy said as she helped steve back onto his feet. "wait, watch out for the vines." she warned as eddie started making his way back down. "it's all a hive mind."
"it's all a what?" he asked, stopping himself from walking back down.
"all the creepy crawlers around here, dude. they're like, one or something. you step on a vine, you're stepping on a bat, you're stepping on vecna." steve explained.
"shit." eddie responded as he carefully made his way back down. maeve grabbed onto his arm near the end to help him down.
"but everything from our world is still here, right? except people?" robin questioned.
"as far as I understand it, yeah." nancy affirmed.
"so, theoretically, we could go to the police station and steal guns and grenades and whatever we need to blow up those bat things that are guarding the gate." robin planned. maeve and eddie watched on as he comforted her by resting his arm on her waist.
"I highly doubt the hawkins pd has grenades, robin, but guns, yeah, sure." steve said.
"well, we don't have to go all the way downtown for guns. I have guns in my bedroom." nancy revealed, attracting maeve's and eddie's attention quickly.
"you, nancy wheeler, have guns, plural, in your bedroom?" eddie asked, almost as if this was the most unbelievable thing of the day.
"full of surprises, isn't she?" robin smiled.
"a russian makarov and a revolver."
"yeah, you almost shot me with that one." steve walked up close to nancy.
"you almost deserved it." she smiled. eddie took off his denim jacket and threw it to steve.
"for your modesty, dude." steve nodded slowly to eddie. maeve couldn't help but keep checking the skies to make sure, but as she did, she almost fell to the ground as the earth shook beneath them. eddie grabbed onto her waist and pulled them both by a tree, dodging the vines, he held on to the tree and maeve tightly, as maeve did the same. for what seemed like forever, the ground shook, and finally halted. creatures snarled in the distance. "yeah so guns seem like a pretty good idea to me."
"yeah, I vote for guns too." maeve said as she stood upright and caught her breath, still holding on to eddie.
"so what are we waiting for?" steve turned a torch on and started leading the way as eddie rubbed his wrist.


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