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 volume 2 | episode 3NANCE┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐'what, do you want a sticker?'└────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┘

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volume 2 | episode 3
┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐
'what, do you want a sticker?'
└────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┘


years, but as soon as she got on it, it felt natural.
they got to eddie's trailer quickly as the five didn't fancy running into anymore bats. maeve didn't wait for her bike to stop, she jumped off as soon as she was close and ran to the door of the trailer, and there it was.
"this is where chrissy died." eddie mentioned, making a chill run down maeve's spine. "like, right where she died."
"I think there's something in there." robin caused everyone to take a closer look at the thing moving about inside the gate.
"what the hell is that?" eddie muttered. it broke through, making them all jump back and yell as it scared them. the goo from the gate dropped down as parts of the gate broke onto the floor and they all took a closer look. stood on the other side, upside down, was dustin, erica, max and lucas. they cheered as they saw their faces, and maeve let out a sigh of relief.
"this is super trippy." robin said. dustin and lucas grabbed a mattress from eddie's room and tied together a rope. they threw it upwards, and it landed firmly in the upside down. maeve took a closer look at the mattress and glanced at eddie.
"those stains are... I don't know what those stains are." eddie tried explaining himself but gave up. robin tried the rope, which was stable. dustin celebrated, and robin decided to be the 'guinea pig'. she got through, and landed on the mattress. the remaining four looked at each other.
"okay, fine. if you insist." maeve said as she stepped forward. she grabbed onto the rope, and was given some help by eddie as she felt gravity shift in all different directions and fell onto the slightly hard mattress. "that was actually sick." maeve said as she was helped up by lucas and dustin. next it was eddie, who flew down. she helped him up and they stood side by side waiting for the next person. they waited and waited, but no one came through.
"nancy? nancy!" steve yelled. they looked up and saw steve shaking nancy.
"oh shit. vecna."


VECNA HAD NANCY. MAEVE KNEW instantly, she needed music. maeve ran into eddie's room and started going through all his cassette tapes. everyone followed as they rummaged through his room.
"steve says you need to hurry!" erica yelled.
"yeah? no shit!" dustin screamed back.
"seriously, what is all this shit?" robin yelled to eddie.
"what are you even looking for?" he yelled back. maeve covered her ears for a second because of how loud everyone was being.
"madonna, blondie, bowie, beatles, music! we need music!" robin held up eddie's metal music as she insulted his favourite music. he snatched a tape off robin and maeve could see the anger in his face.
"this is music!" he screamed.
"stop insulting each other and find some goddamn charting, top of the pops music!" maeve screamed at the pair as she ran into his living room, hoping his uncle has mainstream taste in music.
"guys!" steve shouted through the gate. nancy was awake, trembling and shivering on the floor.


MONSTERS, MAYHEM AND HELL WAS on it's way to hawkins, according to nancy. after she explained everything vecna showed her whilst he invaded her mind, everyone was quiet for a minute, just thinking to themselves. one more victim, and vecna has won. maeve felt overwhelmed, so she took herself into eddie's bedroom. she shut the door, and sat on his bed, looking around at his room. only a couple of seconds later, she heard the door handle turn.
"it's only me." eddie said as he walked in and shut the door behind him. "you okay?"
"what if vecna tries again?" her voice was low, almost like if she spoke any louder, she'd breakdown in tears.
"tries again? what do you mean, tries attacking you again?" eddie asked, concerned. he sat next to maeve on the bed and put his hand on her knee.
"he needs one more victim, right? so, he's tried it before, what if it's easier because he's already attacked once? and then it's my fault hawkins is torn into quarters and everyone gets attacked and-"
"hey, hey, hey, calm down. he won't come for you. I won't allow it. and it wouldn't be your fault." eddie placed his hands on maeve's shoulders and she deeply breathed. once she had calmed down, she let out a little laugh.
"you wouldn't allow him? I don't think vecna waits for permission to attack." she teased. he didn't care what she was teasing about, he just wanted to see her smile.
"he'd have to go through me first, sweetheart." eddie smiled. maeve's smile grew even bigger at the nickname.
"i'm sweetheart now? wow, I must be doing something right." she smiled.
"trust me, you've not done anything wrong. except for when you lot left the walkie on the floor of creel house and left poor me starving." eddie complained, and maeve quickly went along with it, dramatically gasping.
"we brought you all your favourites to make up for it! you can't have everything in life, munson."
"no, no, but I have you. right now, that's enough."  eddie leaned on his side, and started pulling a weird face.
"what is this- what are you doing?" maeve asked.
"blowing my hair out of my face. I forgot to trim it." eddie said, grabbing pieces of his bangs and trying to look at them. maeve looked around and noticed the scissors on his desk. she slowly looked back at eddie with a big smile on her face.
"can I, maeve cooper, please have the honour of attempting to cut your bangs, eddie munson?" maeve moved onto her knees and put her hands together, pretending to beg. eddie looked between maeve and the scissors.


"JUST HOLD STILL!" MAEVE HELD THE scissors in one hand, and eddie's head in the other. "listen, move one more time and i'll just start chopping it all off." eddie immediately stopped acting like a child, and had a grin that covered half his face. "one more, and then i'm done." maeve stroked the last strand of hair, pulling it towards herself, and cut it. "all done, ed." he continued to stare at her as she stood up. "what, do you want a sticker?" she said, putting the scissors on the desk. she felt his arms wrap round her waist and pull her back onto the bed, both of them laughing loudly as she found herself lying down, eddie above her. he moved her hair out of the way.
"what would you say to joining hellfire?" eddie asked.
"what, your dnd club? you'd want me there?" she focused on his eyes. they were just brown from far away, but up close, she could see all the little hints of colour that make up his brown eyes.
"of course. and don't worry about the rules. i'll teach you whilst I teach you how to play guitar, but if you come over and i'm writing the story for the next session, you are banned from reading any of it." he said, maeve thought he was joking to begin with, but he was serious.
"hmm, i'll have to think about it." she joked. "mkay, if I make it out of this alive and you don't get framed for the murders, then yeah. why not?" she smiled. eddie's grin returned. he glanced between maeve's eyes and mouth. maeve rolled her eyes and pulled his head closer as the two connected. maeve rolled over as they kissed so she was the one above him. eddie's hand reached up and held her cheek as they forgot about all responsibilities and dangers for a second, and allowed it to be just them two.
"ugh, gross. once you're done, come in the living room. we have a plan." dustin said, pulling a face of disgust before leaving. maeve sat upright and sighed.
"c'mon, we'd better go. time to save the world."


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