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 volume 1 | episode 5TALKING TO GHOSTS┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐'you are the reason I am dead'└────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┘

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volume 1 | episode 5
┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐
'you are the reason I am dead'
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THE NEXT DAY, MAEVE ONCE AGAIN couldn't stop thinking about eddie munson. secretly, she didn't enjoy material girl, but felt a need to prove a point. and I was made for lovin' you is much better than what she thought. now, they both hold one of her most favourite memories ever. she remembered what he said to her about his guitar, and decided she was going to thank him for making her genuinely so happy for the first time in what seems to be forever. maeve got in her car, and drove to the trailer park.
she didn't expect it to be so busy. blue uniforms flooded the place, press trying to get any attention. she walked closer and saw a body covered with a sheet on the floor. maeve decided now would be the best time to do what she needed, as no one was watching.


SHE RAN BEHIND THE TRAILER, AND opened the window which, unsurprisingly, wasn't locked. she climbed into the room, and saw the guitar. "there you are." she whispered to herself. before taking the guitar, she looked around eddie's room. the bed was unmade, their was a bunch of metal posters on his wall, and even handcuffs. 'I do not want to know what he uses that for.' she looked at the school books pushed into the corner. maeve realised this was a slight invasion of privacy, but her and eddie had grown so close recently she didn't think he'd mind too much. there were multiple rings on his bedside table. she saw one with a bat design on it, and slipped it onto her finger. it was slightly loose, so she put it on her thumb instead. she walked back to the guitar and gently grabbed it, and attempted to push it out the window and lean it against the trailer. that part went well. the next part was getting herself out of the trailer undetected. she gradually started to get out through the window.
'okay, this is going well. nice and slo-' she quietly yelped as she lost her footing and hit the floor. she groaned, and rubbed her head.
"maeve?" a voice said from above.
"god?" she responded. she opened her eyes and saw curly hair. "oh, dustin."
"what are you doing with eddie's guitar?" he asked. she sat up and saw steve, robin, nancy and max.
"it's a surprise. he was talking about it yesterday and I thought i'd get it for him. help me up." she grabbed onto dustin's arm and pulled herself up.
"well, i'd better be on my way. don't want to get caught." she chuckled to herself. she turned to delicately picked up the guitar.
"deceiving the police again?" steve asked. maeve stopped.
"i'm sorry?" she asked.
"we all know you didn't tell the truth. you knew it was your fault." nancy joined in.
"okay, I don't know what kind of sick joke you guys are playing, but i'm leaving." she heard the same clock from before, but now it was in eddie's room. she looked in the window and saw a grandfather clock staring at her.
"leaving again?" a voice she thought she'd never hear again spoke from behind her.
"dad?" maeve turned around. the air turned cold and the sky went dark.


the one time we argued. over something so simple. but something changed. you went upstairs, ignored me. I went for a drive. clear my head, get you that cassette tape you wanted because I hated arguing with you. I crashed, maeve. and you noticed the scratch in the car. then, fourth of july happened, and you watched as I walked into the forest to die again, leaving me." he started walking towards her, and she backed away. "the police asked about the scratches, about everything. you said you knew nothing about it."
"no, dad, I didn't. I swear. I didn't mean for any of that to happen. I didn't know what was happening. I left you because you were being weird, like you were in a trance. I thought you just had to go and do something!" she screamed.
"liar." he growled. he kept walking forwards, his shirt becoming more and more red with every step. "liar." he repeated, louder. "liar!" he eventually shouted. maeve turned around and started running away.
"maeve." another voice whispered. she heard the same clock chimes as before. "maeve, running away from her problems again."
the surroundings changed around her to reveal something that felt familiar. that steelworks place. she watched as a monster walked out of the shadows, and her dad stood in front. he started shaking, until he eventually fell into nothing. he became part of the monster. "now, you know what happened. you are a traitor to your father, maeve. you betrayed him."


"maeve, what just happened?" dustin asked as she found herself on her knees, guitar in hand, back by the trailer.
"was it vecna?" steve looked at robin and nancy.
"what did you see?" max asked.
"my dad. I saw my dad. and the past. I was in the past." she was breathing heavily, and her cheeks were wet from tears. steve and nancy helped her up, and she grabbed the guitar. "i'm next. i'm going to die like chris."
"no. we're gonna figure it out. I promise." nancy said.


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