10.| guilty.

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10.| guilty.

word count: 567.

the sun was shining in my eyes mad bright. we can say the sun was def shining. i realized hayden's hands were no longer on me. he wasn't even in bed anymore. not gonna lie i was worried but then he came out the bathroom just in his boxers.

"good morning." hayden kissed my lips gently.

"morning." i started feeling mad guilty. hayden walked over to his gaming area. i grabbed my phone seeing ten new messages from "biggest bro<3"


fez- wya?
fez- wtf was that tn?
fez- I'm worried.
fez- caye bro.
fez- u good?
fez- ash is losin his shit.
fez- txt back.
fez- call me.
fez- yo?
fez- aii.

i placed the phone away. i had still been naked but the blanket was covering everything but my arms and shoulders. hayden was being so awkward. this wasnt our first time- like what the hell. my thoughts wouldn't stop surrounding ash. i beat that girls ass for no reason.

"hayden." i said softly

" hm?" he mumbled.

"what's wrong?" i questioned.

"nothing. im good." haydens mood wasn't the usual.i got out of bed sliding my underwear and hoodie on. i nodded and walked out his room annoyed. his mom was out working. i walked outside and sat on the steps. i needed to figure my shit out. a.s.a.p. i lost so much in not even a week, what can do? hayden came outside.

"wanna talk?" he sighed. he felt bad because he knew how he was treating me. he sat down next to me passing me his puff bar. i took a hit and exhaled it gently.

"what's been going on with you?" i leaned my head on his shoulder and he took the puff bar from my hand. his street was quiet. usually it was full with gang bangers.

" you know. mom's been struggling and shit. and uh man. some bitch just broke my heart recently so like." hayden shrugged which made me take my head off his shoulders.

"im so sorry. i should've been there for you." i looked at him and he looked back at me and smiled lightly.

"what's been going on with you is the real question." hayden wrapped his arm along my shoulders.

"shit, i fell for some kid, uh my dad whooped my ass. and uh the kid killed them." i nodded trying to seem strong.

"caye, what the fuck." hayden wrapped his arms around me.

"they were trying to get me in the sex trafficking system.. so he just-" i sniffled about to cry.

"damn.. whoever this nigga is caye. he loves you." hayden sighed.

"remember fez's brother?" i asked.

"yeah of course ash. thats my boy." hayden chuckled.

"wait. your boy..?" i looked at hayden. FUCK.I FUCKED UP.

"yeah man we mad close." hayden chuckled.

"hayden. im talking about him." i stared at hayden stunned.

"shit.." hayden sighed.

A/N: bro.. this is seriously so short and I hate it. but im running so low on ideas... ugh... but besides that. YOU GUYS GOT ME TO FREAKING 500 READS. OMG I LOVE YOU ALL SOOO MUCHHH. SO SO MUCH. hey guys now, to my newer viewers i did do a name reveal but now my family members are searching for my story which happens to ALOT of young creators so i had to delete that along with my face reveal so.. yeah. ily y'all xoxo-j

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