31.| touch him, i kill you.

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31.| touch him, i kill you.

as we finally make it back to the house i notice kenzie sitting by the entrance on her phone. i roll my eyes hella annoyed ,can she just go back to colorado like for real...

"ma, don't worry about her, imma just hang out with her for a little then she will leave and it'll be about me and you for the rest of the day." ashtray mutters as he turns the engine off which catches kenzie's attention. she looks over at the car with a smile. ashtray gets out the car and she stands up running over and dapping him up. can she keep her claws off of him, those aren't hands, they belong to whatever the fuck she is. i get out the car and she turns to me. baby girl, i did not forget about last night.

"why is she always around?" kenzie asks ashtray, BITCH ASK ME I DARE YOU.

"well we're like a thing, and she lives with me." ashtray looks down at kenzie.

"a thing?" kenzie looks at him confused.

"not official but we fuck everyday, k?" i look at her like she's sped and i walk away towards the house. i open the door to see fez sitting at the table counting his cash.

"i see you." i laugh hugging him around his neck.

"gotta stack my shit man." fez mumbles with the blunt in his mouth. i hop into the other chair next to him.

"what's the deal with you and kenzie?" fez asks placing more money into the machine.

"fez.." i sigh throwing my head back. do i really need to explain?

"okay, listen, even if kenzie was to want ash like that, ashtray doesnt want her at all yo." fez looks at me as he money finishes running through the machine. i just nod and go with his words. not as if she doesn't want him because this bug eyed, two toned, five headed ass bitch definitely wants him, but she won't have him, not while im around, right as i finish thinking kenzie and ashtray walk in laughing their asses off, i just give her a hard stare. fez clears his throat and i look over at him, he shakes his head no basically telling me to let it go. i roll my eyes and get out my phone going onto messages.


me- hey rueeee.

rue- yo.

me- i didn't see you at last night's party where were you?

rue- i didn't end up going...

me- why not..?

rue- because i just couldn't go.
rue- my mom's been catching onto the way ive been acting.
rue- can i stop by, just to hang out, im staying away from drugs for now.


fez, is it good if rue comes over?" i ask turning off my phone.

"mi casa su casa." fez states burning out his blunt.

"well she's on her way so can we put all this drug shit away. she's trying to go clean." i nod getting off the table heading to the living room where ashtray and kenzie were just quiet and on there phones.

"i gotchu." fez nods and starts throwing everything into the black backpack where he puts the machine. i throw myself onto the couch. i just stared up at the ceiling tapping my fingers on my bare stomach. maybe ashtray really does have feelings for kenzie and is using me as a cover up... like how gay people use girls as coverups even though they know damn well their in love with their straight guy friend but then when they confess their love to their bestfriend their coverup is usually there and those two fucking cunts kiss in front of the girl and it like ruins her life for like fucking ever. a loud banging came to the door and i knew it was her due to the wild hair that appeared with her  silhouette. fez opens the door and they dap eachother up. i smile and jump up hugging rue tightly swinging her side to side.

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