14. Breakfast

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"Good Morning Alpha, well don't you look like shit."

I ignore Kaison's ridiculously rude but chipper greeting. He lands himself in the chair opposite me. I keep typing on my laptop, the muscles in my jaw burning from clenching all night, my broken nose sore but already healed and for sure I'm not telling Kaison about that. What is hurting me the most right now is my pride.

Rejection sucks and I'm getting a glimpse into how Eva must feel.

I know I look like shit. That's what happens when you sleep in your office, toss and turn on a sofa built for dwarfs, and then work at the crack of dawn because your mind is consumed by an angry as shit she-wolf.

"I'm guessing you slept in here last night so dinner didn't go well?" Kaison probes.

"Fuck off Kaison, I'm not in the mood," I growl.

"She kick you out of your own suite?" He continues with a chuckle, typically ignoring my warning.

I kicked myself out.

As soon as she stormed out on me, locking herself in my room it was all I could do to stop Hades from shifting and breaking that door down and marking her then and there. Plus her scent had imbued itself into every corner of the suite, even my library.

I had initially retreated into what is usually my haven, then her scent knocked me sideways and had me brick hard.

She'd been inside, touching my things, her scent lingering everywhere. I had to leave or I would do something I regret like I don't already have a million regrets when it comes to Eva.

I can't believe how fucked up the last twenty-four hours have been. A goddamn vortex. I started the day with a singular plan to let her stay and make her hate me enough to accept my rejection - to begging her for a second chance and having it thrown in my face.

Fucking she-wolves.

"Well whatever happened, Luna seems well rested, she's just joined the pack for breakfast, Melanie is with her at the head table, quite a sight to see the Luna seat finally taken. Perhaps you'd care for some breakfast, although I suggest you at least wash the crap out of your eyes if you do."

My head shoots up.

"She doesn't want to see me Kaison, made it abundantly clear last night." I sigh running a hand over my short beard.

Kaison scoffs.

"You didn't really think one dinner was going to make everything better between you two, especially after what we now know about Hades' claim. You fucked her over big time, so you my friend are going to have to work much harder than that if you want her. Unless of course you really are done with her, in which case yeah just stay up here, she'll be out of your pretty red hair in three months and I'm sure the Moon goddess will give her a Second Chance mate, I mean look at her she's perfect Luna material she'll make another Alpha very, very happy."

His suggestive tone has me almost breaking my laptop screen, slamming it shut. I get up and head to my office bathroom to clean up.

Kaison's laughter follows me. Fuck him. He's a fucking good Beta and always knows how to get me to do what I need to do even when it's the last thing I want to do.

Looking in the mirror I see Hades in my eyes.

Is this what you want? You want her? Well, why the fuck did you let me reject her! Why didn't you say anything? You dumb fucking wolf, why don't you talk to me!

Hades growls in my head but I feel his approval as I wash the crusty sleep off my face, comb my hair, fixing it into a neat ponytail. He's preens inside as we get ready to face our mate.

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