2. Council

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I hate coming to the council lands.

I've only been here once since Dante rejected me; when Neo needed me as a rebuttal witness when she presented her Anti-Rejection Bill three months ago.

Even then it was bittersweet. Neo met Sebastian during the sunset run and they had a whirlwind mating, she was the first female from our pack to be accepted by her mate in five years.

I couldn't help the pain and envy flooding me when she returned from the sunset run mated and accepted by Sebastian. It was a raw reminder of my own rejection.

Back again so soon after is yet another nightmare. This place is nothing but bad memories.

"How much longer?" I ask the Epsilon guarding the main doors to the council chamber. It's already been two hours.

The older wolf barely looks at me.

"They will be ready when they are ready," he replies.

No answer at all. I sigh leaning back on the hard timber bench.

Outside the afternoon sun beams through the thickly wooded forest surrounding the Council House.

I would love a run. Lilith shimmers beneath my skin in frustration.

The doors suddenly open and I sit up straight as Neo comes out of the chamber.

She looks amazing. Small for an Alpha-born female, her aura of power more than makes up for it, that and the blood red power-suit she is wearing, one I know Freya chose. Neo would turn up in jeans if we let her. Fortunately, she's smart enough to know that appearances speak just as much as words.

I guess that's why she and Freya chose my dress. It's a lovely, demure sun dress. I know I look ultra feminine and non-threatening in it, nothing like the bloodthirsty, jealous wolf inside me.

"Eva, we are done with Hans and ready for you now," she says.

"How did Hans's trial go?" I ask, looking for a distraction from the nervousness growing inside me.

"He'll be executed tomorrow at dawn, his pack will be disbanded and wolves transferred to other packs."

My eyes widen at the extreme judgment.

"They are going to disband Silver Hill pack?"

Neo nods solemnly.

"Too many of his rank were aware of what he was doing, they too will be trialed and likely executed. Without any rank wolves, there is no leadership for the pack. The best option is to re-pack them. Anyway, it's not our problem now, the Alpha King will be handling the matter directly."

She looks me up and down.

"Are you good to go? Remember I will be by your side as your representative and Alpha."

I reach out and squeeze her hand.

"Thank you, I know, and I'm sorry, for everything."

I'm more than surprised when Neo tugs me into a hug. She is not the most affectionate of wolves and almost never initiates physical contact.

"I love you, Eva, remember that, I'm fighting for you."

I squeeze her back and jolt as I catch an undertone in her scent I didn't notice before. It's one I know well since I have five other sisters who are almost always pregnant. The milk and honey undertones are faint but there.

"Goddess, Neo, are you with pup?" I whisper holding her back.

She blushes as she steps back.

"Sebastian scented me this morning, I only just found out, can you keep this to yourself until we are done here? I really need to stay focused."

The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 2: TAMEDWhere stories live. Discover now