12. Steak

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Of course, the person I slam into rushing out of the dining room is Dante's Gamma, Bryan. I just can't catch a break around here.

"Luna, are you okay?" The older man asks steadying me with his large hands as I bounce off his chest.

I pull myself out of his grasp wiping my eyes angrily.

"If you've been standing there then you know I'm not." I glance around and see a few teens walking past with openly curious gazes. Just what I need, an audience to my breakdown.

"I'm sorry Luna, I wasn't eavesdropping. I came to let you know the suite is ready and also my mate sent me to invite you to dinner when you are able to join us, she's a great cook, does a mean chili if you like spicy food."

I stare at him pushing away the heated emotions dragged up by Dante and nod gritting my teeth.

"Sure, maybe tomorrow, but right now I just need some rest please."

"Of course, as I said Marcie and the omegas have finished with the Alpha suite."

He follows me closely as we head back upstairs. I would rather be alone but I understand why that won't happen. It's highly unlikely I'll be allowed to move around the pack unescorted for the next three months. For one, I'm not pack; two I'm technically the Alpha's mate; and three, I'm unmarked. All an equation for don't leave her alone - ever. I sigh quietly as we ascend to the Alpha suite casting Bryan a side glance.

As much as I'm trying to dislike Dante's Gamma, he reminds me of my dad who was killed only two months ago. Tall and strong with a salt-and-pepper beard and dark eyes. He's probably as old as my dad was and should have retired years ago.

I can't help the pity I feel for him losing his firstborn son.

He leads me down the corridor opening the double doors to the Alpha suite. I brace myself unconsciously but breathe a sigh of relief as I'm welcomed with clean unscented air.

"Thank Marcie for me, please. They've done well under the circumstances. I'd prefer not to be disturbed until tomorrow morning. I'll join you all for breakfast."

"Of course, Luna, rest well." Bryan bows and leaves me closing the doors with a resolute click.

I quickly turn all the locks. I'm sure Dante has keys but I need him to know he's not welcome even if it is his suite.

Walking around I take my time to explore the suite properly.

A large open-plan living room and kitchen welcome me with beams of light flooding the room from the large over-sink windows reflecting off the spotless white marble bench tops.

I wander over inspecting the large silver fridge and pantry cupboards, all filled to capacity with food and drinks. Dante must cook for himself or has one of his omegas do it because I don't see any box dinners or pre-cooked meals. The kitchen is fully kitted for someone who actually uses it.

Opposite the kitchen is a large L-shaped black sectional couch. It's replaced the bigger white U-shaped one which I had them take out. This is still big enough for Dante to sleep on and that's exactly where he will be for the next three months if I don't find a guest room here.

Heading down a wide hall I find several doors. One is a storage closet, the other filled with fresh lavender-scented linen.

I purposefully ignore the large black door at the end of the corridor since I know already it's the master room and opens up what I hope is a spare bedroom.

My heart sinks as I find a cozy library instead.

I walk to the full wall shelf shamelessly checking out Dante's tastes in books which are surprisingly quite broad. Everything from bestseller crime novels, and fantasy to classic literature and plenty of how-to manuals.

The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 2: TAMEDWhere stories live. Discover now